
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuhmmmmm
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Since 1980, the Transfusion-transmitted Viruses Study (TTVS) (1974-1980) has continued to maintain its com-puterized database and stored sera to enable ongoing study of new transfusion events since the 1970s. Most recently, we have used this resource to study parameters of acute hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection among 94 donor-recipient pairs in which there was transmission. In addition, frequent recipient observations permitted further characterization of the early phase of the infection’s course. Donor RNA load ranged from 3.7 to 3,160,000 IU/mL.Onset of recipient viremia was judged from a total of 67 sera collected during the 4th through 8th days posttransfusion; only 2 of the 67 sera were still RNA nonreactive by that time. The recipients’latent periods to an alanine aminotransferase (ALT) elevation of ≥90 IU/L ranged from 6 to 112 days (median, 46 days) and was shorter with higher donor RNA levels. Descriptors of the recipient’s illness showed several strongly positive and negative correlations. The latent period tended to be shorter in the 37%of cases that were clinically overt. Attributes of donors with genotypes 1 and non-1 and subtypes 1a and 1b did not differ significantly. Recipients with genotype 1 strains had shorter latent intervals than non-1 strains. On multivariate analysis, latent period was significantly associated (negatively) only with the highest ALT level during the first 120 days of follow-up (P = .014). In conclusion, host factors are more important determinants of acute HCV infection dynamics than virus-associated factors. Since 1980, the Transfusion-transmitted Viruses Study (TTVS) (1974-1980) has continued to maintain its com-puterized database and stored sera to enable ongoing study of new transfusion events since the 1970s. Most recently, we have used this resource to In addition, frequent recipient observations may further characterize the early phase of the infection’s course. Donor RNA load ranged from 3.7 to 3,160,000 IU / mL.Onset of recipient viremia was judged from a total of 67 sera collected during the 4th through 8th days posttransfusion; only 2 of the 67 sera were still RNA nonreactive by that time. The recipients’latent periods to an alanine aminotransferase (ALT) elevation of ≥90 IU / L ranged from 6 to 112 days (median, 46 days) and was shorter with higher donor RNA levels. Descriptors of the recipient’s illness showed several strongly positive and negat ive correlations. The latent period tended to be shorter in the 37% of cases that were clinically overt. Attributes of donors with genotypes 1 and non-1 and subtypes 1a and 1b did not differ significantly. Recipients with genotype 1 had had shorter shorter latent intervals On non-1 strain. On multivariate analysis, latent period was significantly associated (negatively) only with the highest ALT level during the first 120 days of follow-up (P = .014). In conclusion, host factors are more important determinants of acute HCV infection dynamics than virus-associated factors.
摘 要:朗读作为阅读教学的一个环节和手段,它起着不可替代的作用。为了提高学生的朗读水平,本文探讨如何教会学生掌握停顿、语气和语调、重音(轻重)、快慢、基调等朗读的基本知识。  关键词:小学;语文;朗读指导  朗读就要让学生在读的过程中通过品味语言,体会作品中的情感态度,学习用恰当的语气、语调表达出对作品的理解。朗读要自然,摒弃矫情做作的腔调。在教学实践中,教师敏锐地意识到加强朗读训练有助于增强学生
自战国伊始,经燕、赵、秦、汉、北魏、北齐、唐、金、明等多个历史朝代,对万里长城都有修筑,其中修建、加固规模和持续时间之冠莫过于明代。明朝国祚276年,单一个长城就修了270年,几乎贯穿了明朝始终,故而明长城至今也是各朝代中最具代表性、最具审美性特征和最具体验价值的世界性文化遗产。  那些成熟的长城风景区,外貌如新,条件完善,早已蜚声宇内。而那些未经修葺的残长城,拥有真实的风貌和野性之美,更值得深度
AIM: To evaluate the interplay between gliadin and LoVo cells and the direct effect of gliadin on cytoskeletal patterns. METHODS: We treated LoVo multicellular