Computational thermodynamics, computational kinetics, and materials design

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Computational thermodynamics,known as CALPHAD method when dawned in 1950s,aimed at coupling phase diagrams with thermochemistry by computational techniques.It eventually evolves toward kinetic simulations integrated with thermodynamic calculations,i.e.,computational kinetics,including diffusion-controlled phase transformation,precipitation simulation,and phasefield simulation.In the meantime,thermodynamic,mobility,and physical property databases for multi-component and multi-phase materials,served as basic knowledge for materials design,are critically evaluated by CALPHAD approach combining key experiments,first-principles calculations,statistic methods,and empirical theories.The combination of these computational techniques with their conjugated databases makes it possible to simulate phase transformations and predict the microstructure evolution in real materials in a foreseeable future.Further links to microand macro-scale simulations lead to a multi-scale computational framework,and aid the search for the quantitativerelations among chemistry,process,microstructures,and materials properties in order to accelerate materials development and deployment.This is a new route of materials and process design pursued by Integrated Computational Materials Engineering(ICME)and Materials Genome Initiative(MGI).This article presents a review on the basic theories and applications,the state of the art and perspective of computational thermodynamics and kinetics. Computational thermodynamics, known as CALPHAD method when dawned in 1950s, aimed at coupling phase diagrams with thermochemistry by computational techniques. I eventually cultery toward kinetic simulations integrated with thermodynamic calculations, ie, computational kinetics, including diffusion-controlled phase transformation, precipitation simulation, and phasefield simulation. in the meantime, thermodynamic, mobility, and physical property databases for multi-component and multi-phase materials, served as basic knowledge for materials design, are critically evaluated by CALPHAD approach combining key experiments, first-principles calculations, statistic methods , and empirical theories. the combination of these computational techniques with their conjugated databases makes it possible to simulate phase transformations and predict the microstructure evolution in real materials in a foreseeable future. Future links to micro and macro-scale simulations lead to a multi-scale computational framework, an d aid the search for the quantitative relations among chemistry, process, microstructures, and materials properties in order to accelerate materials development and deployment. This is a new route of materials and process design pursued by Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) and Materials Genome Initiative ( MGI) .This article presents a review on the basic theories and applications, the state of the art and perspective of computational thermodynamics and kinetics.
<正> 光绪二十四年(1898)四月二十七日(农历,下同)翁同和被开缺回籍。半个月后,即南返故乡常熟。不久,维新变法失败,光绪帝被幽禁瀛台,再度“垂帘训政”的慈禧太后又下严旨:“翁同和着即革职,永不叙用,交地方官严加管束,不准滋生事端。”同时,慈禧等人还图谋逼迫载湉禅位于端王载漪之子溥(?)。次年九月,翁同和的同乡门人、翰林院编修沈鹏(北山)上疏:首先请皇太后归政皇上,又请立诛荣禄、刚毅、李莲英“三凶”。按清朝规定,翰林院编修上疏必须由掌院学士代递。当时掌院学士为徐桐,徐桐正要想做大阿哥溥(
时间:1995年6月17日 地点:郑敏家 主持人:刘福春(简称刘) 参加人:郑敏(郑)、林莽(林)、沈奇(沈)、减棣(减)、林祁(祁)、王家新(王)、李华(李) 刘:很高兴今天能和郑敏老师一
摘要:在综合实践课中,《设计表》的运用能提高学生的合作性与探究性,使得课程更加的合理化,更能贴近学生的生活与实际,从而达到事半功倍的效果。本文通过对“一课再构”活动中《设计表》的巧妙利用进行分析和反思,总结了《设计表》在综合实践课程中的优点和长处。  关键词:磨课与反思;设计表;巧妙运用效果  中图分类号:G623.9文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)20-050-1  综合