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作为一名管理的研究者和实践者,管理已经是我的生活。各行各业里,机会以新的细化形态不断涌现时,竞争对手也像雨后的春筝,企业管理者不得不更多地思索,探究与实践。我经常与一些企业管理者聊天,发现越来越多的管理者重视学习,在管理实践中都在寻找有力的工具,有人研究李嘉诚、王永庆的成功轨迹,有人已经开始学习美国GE(尽管企业规模离GE仍有千里之遥),有人从毛泽东选集中汲取力量,有人对麦肯锡,罗兰·贝格,安达信这些国际著名咨询公司颇感兴趣……很热闹,也很有意思!古今中外皆有大智慧力量的源泉,但仿佛我们爱认为外来和尚好念经,崇尚欧美、崇尚日本,其实,日本的很多成功企业家在研究荀子,美国也在琢磨三国演义、孙子兵法。当我进入图书馆、书店,站在中国古典书籍类书架旁时,真的是久久不愿离开,也经常捧回一些《孔子》、《孟子》、《论语》,像吃美味一样去品尝,真是明心启智,让人豁然开朗。与朋友聊天也经常自豪地有理有据地赞叹中国古典思想。原计划结合一些当今的案例,但又怕画蛇添足、弄巧成拙,南怀谨先生已在多年前就批评朱熹对儒家思想的曲解了。本人很难将古代的精华再次升华,权当“己所不欲勿施于人”地与大家分享好了。以下选自黄石公所著曾经指引张良兴刘灭项且又功成身退的《素书》。 As a managing researcher and practitioner, management is already my life. In all walks of life, with opportunities for a new refinement continue to emerge, competitors like the Spring Zheng after the rain, business managers have to think more, explore and practice. I often chat with some business managers and found that more and more managers pay attention to learning. They are looking for powerful tools in management practice. Some people study the successful track of Li Ka-shing and Wang Yong-qing. Someone has started to study the American GE There is still a thousand miles away from GE), some people draw strength from the selection of Mao Zedong, and some people are very interested in internationally renowned consulting firms like McKinsey, Roland Berger and Andhra ... very busy and very interesting! However, as if we love to think that foreign monks are good at reading scriptures, advocating Europe and the United States and advocating Japan, in fact, many successful entrepreneurs in Japan are studying Xunzi. The United States is also thinking about the romance of the Three Kingdoms and the Art of War. When I entered the library, the bookstore, standing by the bookshelves of classical Chinese books, I really did not want to leave for a long time. I often took back “Confucius”, “Mencius” and “The Analects of Confucius” Really wise mind, people suddenly. Chatting with friends is also often proudly and applauded Chinese classical thought. Originally planned to incorporate some current cases, he was afraid of being superfluous and self-defeating. Mr. Nhuai-ching had criticized Zhu's misinterpretation of Confucianism many years ago. It is very difficult for me to sublimate the essence of ancient times again and share the good news with “I do not want to impose myself on others”. The following is from Huang Shih-kong once directed Zhang Liangxing Liu eliminate items and has become a success “Su-book.”