Enumeration and molecular characterization of circulating tumor cell using an in vivo capture system

来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mimibbs
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Objective: Detection rate and isolation yield of circulating tumor cell(CTC) are low in squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck(SCCHN) with in vitro approaches due to limited sample volumes. In this study, we applied the Cell Collector to capture CTC in vivo from peripheral blood.Methods: In total, the study included 22 cases with 37 times of detection. All of the patients were newly diagnosed with locally advanced or metastatic SCCHN, including laryngocarcinoma(40.9%, 9/22) and hypopharyngeal carcinoma(59.1%, 13/22). All patients received CTC analysis before treatment. Three patients received induction chemotherapy. Sixteen patients received surgical therapy, of which 13 patients received postoperative detection. Two patients received both induction chemotherapy and surgery treatment. Patients underwent two successive Cell Collector applications 24 h before and 7 d after surgical therapy. Nine healthy volunteers were enrolled as the control group. Epidermal growth factor receptor variant type Ⅲ(EGFRⅧ)expression was analyzed with fluorescent dye labeled antibody.Results: With Cell Collector isolation, 72.7%(16/22) of the patients were positive for ≥1 CTC(CTC; range,1–17 cells) before treatments and 46.7%(7/15) of patients were CTC positive for ≥1 CTC(CTC; range, 1–29 cells) after surgical therapy. Moreover, the detection rate of Cell Collector(82.4%, 14/17; CTC count range, 0–17)in advanced SCCHN(stage Ⅲ–Ⅳ) was much higher than that in early stages(stage Ⅰ–Ⅱ, 40.0%, 2/5; CTC count range, 0–2)(P<0.05). EGFRⅧ expression of CTC was also analyzed with fluorescence staining. One CTCEGFRⅧ-positive patient was detected from six CTC-positive patients, and the positive expression of EGFRⅧ was also found in the tumor tissue of this patient.Conclusions: In vivo detection of CTCs had high sensitivity in SCCHN, which might improve CTC application in clinic. Objective: Detection rate and isolation yield of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are low in squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck (SCCHN) with in vitro approaches due to limited sample volumes. In this study, we applied the Cell Collector to capture CTC in vivo of peripheral blood. Methods: In total, the study included 22 cases with 37 times of detection. All of the patients were newly diagnosed with locally advanced or metastatic SCCHN, including laryngocarcinoma (40.9%, 9/22) and hypopharyngeal carcinoma All patients received CTC analysis before treatment. Three patients received induction chemotherapy. Of 16 patients received induction therapy. Of which 13 patients received postoperative detection. Of two patients received both induction chemotherapy and surgery treatment. Patients underwent two successive Cell Collector applications 24 h before and 7 d after surgical therapy. Nine healthy volunteers were enrolled as the control group. Epidermal growth factor receptor var Results: With Cell Collector isolation, 72.7% (16/22) of the patients were positive for ≥1 CTC (CTC; range, 1-17 cells) before treatments and 46.7% (7/15) of patients were CTC positive for ≧ 1 CTC (CTC; range, 1-29 cells) after surgical therapy. Moreover, the detection rate of Cell Collector (82.4%, 14/17; , 0-17) in advanced SCCHN (stage III-IV) was much higher than that in early stages (stage I-II, 40.0%, 2/5; CTC count range, 0-2) One CTCEGFRⅧ-positive patient was detected from six CTC-positive patients, and the positive expression of EGFRⅧ was also found in the tumor tissue of this patient. Conclusions: In vivo detection of CTCs had high sensitivity in SCCHN, which might improve CTC application in clinic.
【摘要】大学生是祖国未来的栋梁,大学生具备的整体素质直接关系着祖国的强大、民族的振兴大业。因此,大学生在校期间应该重视素质教育,而高职院校图书馆具有资源丰富、信息技术特点以及专业性教育强的特点,应尽情发挥其自身优势,通过不同方式帮助提高当代大学生的综合素质。  【关键词】图书馆 素质教育 高职院校  图书馆作为我国人才教育内容的一个重要部分,在大学生素质教育工作中发挥着非常关键的作用,这也是学生学
高台社火——云南人文特征的一个典型,也是边疆少数民族地区经过上千年历史演变与汉民族文化同化、融入、归属中华版图的一个典型代表,必将厚积薄发催发出璀璨光芒;巍山,久藏偏隅的南诏古都,几乎未被现代文明所破坏,少受世俗所影响;古风浓郁,民风淳厚,高台社火便是其独特的民俗文化的标本,一门独特的悬空艺术。  一  从大理出发,一路往南,爬山,转过一个垭口,巍山坝子已然呈现在眼前。行云流动的天空,山风的催情,
在我山地果园的书桌上,有个墨盒,早已落满了灰尘,打开一看,里面储墨的海棉也干得发灰。不过,举至鼻尖一闻,还存有淡淡的墨香。这墨盒,是在五年前因为要写几个字时兴之所致而买。  个中因由,是我早年与墨有缘。  一  小学时,是有课时极少的书法课的。那时不叫书法,叫毛笔字、大楷、小楷。本来,用蓝色墨粉兑水,用蘸此墨水写字的钢笔,已属麻烦之事:再用墨锭砚磨蘸黑色墨汁,软软地在作业本上写字,更是麻烦之极。然
【摘要】本文通过对聋生心理健康问题的剖析来阐述聋生心理健康教育的重要性,教育聋生学会克服心理障碍。  【关键词】聋生 心理健康 原因 克服心理障碍 培养  以往的学校教育中,学校往往相对重视学生的学习成绩如何,而忽视了学生的心理健康问题。随着社会的进步及对人才需求的要求的提高,学校的教育逐步由以往的应试教育向现在的素质教育转变,学生的心理健康问题也越来越受到重视。我们特殊教育也越来越受到国家的关注