Implementation of One-Way Quantum Computing with a Hybrid Solid-State Quantum System

来源 :Chinese Journal of Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinzhan2090
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We proposed an efficient scheme for implementing the large-scale one-way Quantum computing(QC)with a novel hybrid solid-state quantum system. This system consists of N Nitrogen-vacancy(N-V) centers coupled to N separate Transmission line resonators(TLRs), which are interconnected by a Current-biased Josephson junction(CBJJ) superconducting phase qubit. We showed the way of preparation of N-qubit linear cluster state with N N-V centers, then we demonstrated the way of extending cluster state by connecting two pieces of linear cluster states into two-dimensional cluster state, last, with our designed new structures, we demonstrated the QC basic operations.It means that our scheme may open up promising possibilities for implementing the practical and scalable one-way quantum computers with the hybrid solid-state quantum system. We discussed the experimental feasibility of our system. We propose an efficient scheme for implementing the large-scale one-way Quantum computing (QC) with a novel hybrid solid-state quantum system. This system consists of N Nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers coupled to N separate Transmission line resonators (TLRs ), which are interconnected by a Current-biased Josephson junction (CBJJ) superconducting phase qubit. We showed the way of preparation of N-qubit linear cluster state with N NV centers, then we demonstrated the way of extending cluster state by connecting two pieces of linear cluster states into two-dimensional cluster state, last, with our designed new structures, we demonstrated the QC basic operations. It means that our scheme may open up promising for implementing the practical and scalable one-way quantum computers with the hybrid solid-state quantum system. We discussed the experimental feasibility of our system.
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【摘 要】随着市场竞争日趋激烈,企业的竞争力日益成为企业生存和发展的基本和前提。本文结合当前高速公路企业文化建设的现状,阐述了企业文化建设对于提高高速公路企业核心竞争力的重要作用和具体措施,为企业长远发展提供长效战略决策。  【关键词】高速公路;企业文化;核心竞争力  随着交通基础设施建设的快速推进,高速公路事业得到了空前的发展。高速公路企业如何做大做强,真正实现在实现企业利润同时,更多地为人民群