
来源 :福建医药杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yiwen_yu
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以两种功能不同、性味差异、作用相反的药物配伍成方,起到互相制约、互相调济、相反相成的功效,这就是方剂相反相成的配伍。疾病的属性有寒热错杂、虚实相夹、升降反作、表里同病等差异,中药的性能也有四气五味、升降浮沉、补泻的不同。疾病属性的相互对立,确定了药物组合的相反相成,比如寒热并进,升降合剂,补泻兼施,散收相合,行止相济等等。合理的配伍,相行不悖,可使药物的疗效出奇制胜。因此,探讨相反相成配伍的一些规律,很有必要。一、寒热并进:是针对寒邪和热邪同时在体内发病,产生寒热互结、外寒内热、上热下寒证候时,需要寒药与热药并用,才能达到寒热平调之目的。临床上常用的左金丸,以吳萸之温热佐黄连之苦寒,用于 With two different functions, differences in the taste, the role of drugs in the opposite side, play the role of mutual restraint, mutual adjustment, and the opposite effect, which is the compatibility of prescriptions. The properties of the disease include cold and heat, miscellaneousness, inaccuracy, and adverse effects, as well as differences in the appearance of the disease. The performance of traditional Chinese medicine also has four different flavors, lifting and floating, and diarrhea. The contradictory nature of diseases determines the contradictory combination of drug combinations, such as the combination of cold and heat, lifting and lowering agents, replenishing diarrhoea and concurrent administration, dispersal and reconciliation, and reciprocal treatment. Reasonable compatibility and unbeatable performance can make the curative effect of drugs surprisingly successful. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss some laws that are compatible with each other. First, cold and heat: is for cold evil and heat evil at the same time in the body of the disease, produce cold and heat each other, outside the cold inside the heat, cold syndrome, the need for cold medicine and heat medicine to use, in order to achieve the purpose of cold and heat leveling. Zuojin Pill, commonly used in clinical practice, is used to treat the coldness of the warm-burning Zuolian of Wu Yu. It is used in
本文采用不含粘合剂的国产氧化铝板进行了20个常见生物碱的薄层层离,找出了分离的最合适的扩展剂以及影响分离的因素(氧化铝和扩展剂的pH)等条件. In this paper, thin-laye
利用前报的方法,测定颠茄和曼陀罗中生物碱含量,并与药典法比较,结果一致.本法相对平均偏差低于2%. The content of alkaloids in belladonna and Datura was determined by
飞龙掌血[Toddalia asiatica(L.)Lam.]为芸香科的一种木质半藤本植物,药用其根及茎。湖南省江华县人民医院将其制成注射液,临床观察认为对风湿性关节炎、腰腿痛及头痛有较好
创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。特别是在大众创业、万众创新的今天,创新精神像一颗璀璨的明珠,格外令人瞩目。可是创新毕竟是一件不容易的事情,其途径总是在人们不断探索之中逐渐完善。而小羽创业的故事,向我们提供了一个创新的成功妙法,那就是——“推陈”也可“出新”。  小羽创业,为什么会成功?很明显,他得益于在传统工艺上推陈出新、不断创新。首先,他选择了众所周知的传统花茶,在此基础上打
<正> 禽兽类胆汁是一味性寒味苦的药物,我国自古以来就应用于临床防治各种疾病。在长期医疗实践中,积累了不少宝贵经验,历代本草书籍对各种动物胆汁的记载也颇为丰富。在无产