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由谁来带孩子,是 许多初为人父人母者所 必须直面的难题:请个 素质不高的农村保姆, 确实有些不能让人放 心,更何况近几年关于 保姆的负面新闻实在是 太多了:自己辞职、全 身心投入照顾孩子的艰 巨工作中、做个全职奶 妈或全职奶爸,更是那 些在职场奋斗数年的小 爸小妈们不甘心作出的 决定。 那么,有没有一种 既能照顾孩子又能继续 在职场拼搏的两全之策 呢?有没有比保姆更让 人放心的照顾孩子的人 选呢?当然有了,那就 是爷爷奶奶和外公外 婆。事实上,在我们身 边,除了爸爸妈妈之 外,最多最尽心尽力在 照顾小孩子的正是他们 的爷爷奶奶和(或)外 公外婆。 那究竟是让爷爷奶 奶帮着带孩子,还是让 外公外婆帮着带呢?或 者两家老人一起带?对 于小爸小妈们来说,这 又常常是一次不得不面 临的痛苦“抉择”。如 何抉择,让我们来听听 一些过来人的“经验之 谈”吧。 The question of who should bring children is something that many first-time parents must face: asking a rural nanny who is not of high quality can really make people feel relieved. What’s more, there are too many negative news about nanny in recent years : Resign yourself, wholeheartedly into the arduous work of taking care of children, to be a full-time nanny or full-time dad, but also those who worked years in the workplace parents are not willing to make the decision. So, there is a kind of both can take care of children and continue to work hard in the workplace? Is there any more reassuring child care provider than a nanny? Of course, there are grandparents and grandparents. In fact, it is their grandparents and / or grandparents who are the most motivated and dedicated children to our side except Mom and Dad. That is to help grandparents to help bring their children, or let the grandparents to help bring it? Or two elderly with? For dad and mom, this is often the face of pain once again “. How to choose, let us listen to some of the ”experience of the" bar.
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食品饮料行业包装急需的1.25升聚酯瓶,最近在浙江黄岩医药塑料装潢厂试制成功。 1.25升聚酯瓶国内过去很少厂家生产,主要依靠进口,每年耗费大量外汇。1987年初该厂开始试制,
目的探究盐酸美金刚治疗帕金森痴呆(PDD)患者的临床疗效。方法 86例帕金森痴呆患者,随机分为观察组和对照组,各43例。其中对照组均予以多巴丝肼治疗,观察组在此基础上予以盐
The laser beam transmission can produce the laser-induced thermal index grating in polyatomic molecular materials. This grating effect has only a qualitative d