Government backs creation of emerging industries board

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  June 17, 2015 (China Daily) -- The State Council, China's cabinet, issued a statement officially supporting the creation of a strategic emerging industries board on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, to help high-growth and innovative enterprises raise funds through the capital market. It is the first time the central government has given its official nod to such a move, said analysts, who now expect the board to be in place soon. The launch has been widely viewed as Shanghai's effort to catch up with domestic rival, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, which has already been successfully attracting technology and innovation-driven companies to list on its Nasdaq-style startup and growth enterprise board, known as ChiNext. "It is obvious that head-to-head competition between the two stock exchanges over initial public offerings for startup companies is growing," said Xu Hongcai, an economist at the Beijing-based China Center for International Economic Exchanges.
June 6, 2015 (China Daily) -- China will come out with a five-year plan (2016-20) for the development of its strategic emerging industries and to further boost its innovation efforts, the nation's top
June 5, 2015 (China Daily) -- China is set to regulate pure electric vehicle makers' production conditions from July 10 and encourage innovative companies to join the research and production. The futu
2015年是中国推行“一带一路”发展战略的开局之年,也是东盟经济共同体建成的一年。当前,东盟成员国都高度关注“一带一路”的提出和实施,以及如何能够支持与补充其在促进东盟互联互通一体化当中所做出的努力。  新加坡驻上海总领事王首毅:在2010年,东盟就已经推出了东盟互联互通总体规划图,规划中具体点明了一批重点优先的项目,包括东盟高速公路网络、新加坡—昆明铁路等项目,还有东盟宽带走廊等等。由此可见,东
June 13, 2015 (China Daily) -- The rules covering investors' use of margin trading and short selling were relaxed in a draft document released by the China Securities Regulatory Commission. Deng Ge, t
It is a key gateway to Southern China and the destination of flows of people, goods and vehicles. It is a golden node of the China-Singapore Economic Corridor, which is crowned as a “Gold Belt”. The c
据印尼《国际日报》6月15日报道,按照印尼政府计划,中国中铁股份有限公司参与的总投资额达50亿美元的印尼加里曼丹铁路项目将于2015年8月动工建设。  据悉,该项目由印尼Mega Guna Ganda Semesta公司和中国铁路股份有限公司组成的财团共同投资,并由中国铁路股份有限公司负责建设。项目总长480公里,途经东加里曼丹省(约160公里)和中加里曼丹省(约320公里),预计建设工期约3.5
虽然中国经济增速继续放缓,但国际舆论和观察人士认为,中国经济结构调整正有序进行,多项改革举措为“稳增长”提供有力支撑。他们还认为,中国有充裕的政策工具,足以影响货币市场,不需要推出量化宽松(QE)政策。  美国智库彼得森国际经济研究所高级研究员尼古拉斯·拉迪:中国拥有利率、存款准备金率和公开市场操作等多种政策工具来提振经济增长,并不需要出台QE政策。中国当前利率水平远高于零利率区间。美联储、英国央
June 5, 2015 (China Daily) -- The National Development and Reform Commission, one of the three agencies that deal with antitrust activity and investigations, is drawing up guidelines covering monopoli
无论是中国人还是美国人,观看泰国广告,恐怕都要时刻备好纸巾。这个“微笑的国度”早已成为国际广告界的一匹黑马。  无论是Youtube,还是中国的微博,泰国广告总能引起病毒式的传播,动辄几百万的点击量。  它的厉害之处不仅限于拥有强大的民间号召力,在克里奥、戛纳、莫比、纽约、伦敦五大国际广告奖中,泰国广告作品也是常胜将军,抱走了不少金铅笔,在国际地位上与脑洞很大的日本广告不分轩轾。  靠接地气赢得人
2015年6月29日,《亚洲基础设施投资银行协定》在中国北京签署。根据协定的内容,中国、印度、俄罗斯是前三大股权国,而在57个意向创始成员国中,发展中国家的股权占比最高。专家认为,《亚洲基础设施投资银行协定》充分反映了发展中国家话语权。  中国财政部亚太中心副主任周强武:和传统的多边开发机构相比,亚投行充分反映了发展中国家的整体话语权。从协定中可以看出,前三大投票权国家都是发展中国家,而且发展中国