My Lovely Pet

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  I have a pet.
  Its name is Xiaohuang.
  It’s brown.
  It’s lovely and beautiful.
  It likes meat and bones.
  I often go fishing with it.
  Guess, what is it?
  Yes, it’s a dog.
  It’s my favourite animal.
  It is my good friend too.
Sing a song of sixpence.  A pocket full of rye.  Four-and-twenty blackbirds  Baked in a pie.  When the pie was opened,  The birds began to sing.  Wasn’t that a dainty dish  To set before the king?  (可
This is my mother, she is very beautiful.  She is a community worker.  My mother has been worked from morning to evening since the Spring Festival.  She gives masks to people and tells them not go out
Materials: rice, chicken breast, carrot, cucumber, ham sausage, nori, Sushi mat, salad dressing, ketchup.  材料: 米饭,鸡胸肉,胡萝卜,黄瓜,火腿肠,紫菜,卷帘,沙拉酱,番茄酱。  1. Cut the carrot, cucumber, ham sausage into strips.  
The reindeer is laughing.   The bells are singing.   I give you,   My best wishes.   Merry Christmas!   Merry Christmas!  (Rory 供 稿)  掃一扫,关注我们,回复“1912中英”听有声版。
檸檬 lemon  苹果 apple
My father is very thin.  His skin is white, so we often call him “Xiaobai”.  He likes sleeping and playing table tennis.  He can recite many poems.  He is good at writing.  He has published many artic
Hi! 你听说过“怪物”吗?如果亲眼看见一个大怪物,你会感到害怕,还是会感到兴奋?不妨跟着这部创意十足、趣味十足的繪本,去赶走可怕的大绿怪吧!读完以后,你还能掌握一句了不起的魔咒,从此再也不惧怕任何怪物、黑暗、恐惧或是困难呢!
圣诞节快到了,市长Lion计划在Zootopia举办盛大的节日聚会。为了让警察局充满欢乐的气氛,Judy决定到超市进行大采购,给亲朋好友们送去心仪的礼物,为此她正在做一些准备。  Judy: 来Zootopia有一段时间了,我还没有完全了解大家,我想知道你们的一些喜好。  Nick: 想知道别人喜欢什么,可以问:“What do you like?” 对方会回答:“I like ...”。想问别人
How lovely that doggie in the window!  The one with the waggity tail,  With his tail so short and his ears so long.  I do hope that doggie’ s for sale.
In a beautiful and peaceful jungle, there are many tall trees and cool rivers. The grass is green and the sky is blue. Lots of animals live here. They are happy together. But one day, a big fire break