
来源 :中国工会财会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hulei_1188
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遂宁市位于四川盆地中部,资源贫乏,工业基础薄弱。随着经济体制改革进一步深化,大量非公有制企业的涌现,工会经费收缴越来越困难。为保证工运事业的发展,我们从实际出发,决定改革工会经费的解缴办法,委托市地税局代收工会经费。我们的考虑是:第一,委托市地税部门代收工会经费,其收费主体仍是市总工会,本质上未改变工会经费独立管理的原则;第二,借助税务部门的征税模式、申报方式及限期缴费等优势,对基层单位形成有力的约束,最大限度地保证工会经费的足额、及时收缴上解;第三,税务部门代收工会经费,定期全额划转到市总工会账户,由市总工会管理和使用,未改变收缴工会经费的性质和目的;第四,可以把工会干部从经费收缴难的长期困扰中解脱出来,把主要精力投身到工会职能工作中去,更好地履行维护职责,在大局中更有效地发挥工会组织的重要作用。 Suining City is located in the central Sichuan Basin, resource-poor, weak industrial base. With the further deepening of the reform of the economic system and the emergence of a large number of non-public-owned enterprises, collection of trade union funds has become increasingly difficult. In order to ensure the development of the workers ’transport industry, we proceeded from the reality and decided to reform the solution to the payment of trade unions’ funds, and entrusted the Municipal Local Taxation Bureau to collect the funds of the trade unions. Our considerations are: First, commissioned the municipal tax department collection union funds, the main body of charge is still the city Federation of Trade Unions, essentially no change in the principle of independent management of union funds; Second, with the tax department of the tax model, the reporting method And the deadline for payment of fees and other advantages, the formation of a strong constraint on the grassroots units to maximize the guarantee of full trade union funds, promptly seized the solution; Third, the tax department collection trade union funds, regularly transferred to the city’s total trade union accounts, The management and use of the union by the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions have not changed the nature and purpose of the collection of union funds. Fourth, it is possible to free the union officials from the long-term difficulties in collecting the funds and devote their energies to the work of union functions, Perform their duties of safeguarding their duties, and give full play to the important role of trade unions in the overall situation.
脂砚斋《红楼梦》评点 ,是中国古代文学创作理论研究的一项重要内容。意境是独具中国特色的审美范畴。对意境的作用和创造意境的方法 ,加以梳理和归纳 ,使之有了较为系统的理