Author Index to Volume 18 (2000)

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z2901153
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BAI,Dong-Lu see LI,Shu—KunBU,Wei—Mng see XU,QiangBU,Xian-He see XU,QiangCAI,Chen_Xin——XUE,Kuan-Hong Electrocatalytie oxidation of NADH at gIassy carbon electrodes modifiedwith an eleetropolymerizedfilm of nile blueA 182CAI,Rui·Fang see CHEN,Yu;HOU,Xi BAI, Dong-Lu see LI, Shu-KunBU, Wei-Mng see XU, QiangBU, Xian-He see XU, QiangCAI, Chen_Xin - XUE, Kuan-Hong Electrocatalytie oxidation of NADH at gIassy carbon electrodes modified with an eleetropolymerized film of nile blueA 182 CAI, Rui Fang see CHEN, Yu; HOU, Xi
A novel bis(guanidiniums)receptor for the catalytic cleavage of phosphosdiester was prepared and self-assembly architecture through hydrogen bonds and electros
An unexpected synthesis of an α, β, γ,δ-unsaturated ketone, which embodies a new type of oxy-carbon cyclic structure, was achieved, while we tried to const
The chain [ Cu2I2(PPh3)2(C4H5N3)] has been synthesized and characterized by X-ray crystallography.It crystallizes in the triclinic system,space group P 1,with
Five novel complexes of formula [Ln(hfac)3] · BNPhOM, where Ln = Gd, Ho, Dy, Y, Er; hfac = hexfluoracetylaceto-nate; BNPhOM = 1,3-[bis-2,2’-(4,4,5,5-tetramet
就像那句广告语说的:挑战无处不在。永远没有做不到的,只有想不到的,恰好很多人还就愿意专门去碰触这些看似不可能的事情,或者说他们一直是在踩着边界前行。 As the phrase
今年的北京车展,你可能看到了太多或价格昂贵或性能超群的参展角色,在回味德国的严谨、意大利的浪漫、美国的硬朗之余,你一定不会忘记属于亚洲自己的风采,而以NewThinking Ne
No.1Palladium - Catalyzed Carbonylation of TerminalAcetylenes in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide(1)Film Properties of Waterbome Epoxy Coating Based on Chemically
Mesoporous silica materials with pore diameters of 2-5 nm have been prepared using ascorbic acid as a nonsurfactant template or pore-forming agent in HCl-catal