How to Build Better Friendships

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没有“朋友”这盏明灯,人生道路将变得黯然无光;没有“朋友”这个音符,生命乐曲将失去动人的华章。 国人有首世代传唱的儿歌:找呀找呀找呀找,找到一个好朋友,敬个礼呀…… 然而,找朋友,交朋友也是一门艺术。 本文认为,友谊并非一种简单的自然发生而又自然消亡的现象: But friendshipes don’t just happen.They have to be created(缔造)and nurtured(培养).Like any other skill,building friendship has to be practiced. 如何create和nurture友谊,文章主要观点如下: a.“友谊第一”: 交友需要时间,但值得! Making time for friends may mean leaving the house a bit messier,letting the grassgrow higher or skipping your favorite TV sitcom(系列喜剧).But aren’t these smallprices to pay for the pleasures of companionship? b.“问寒问暖”: But the seemingly trivial acts of caring are what keep friendships going: thebirthday call,the note scrawled in a greeting card to ask,“How’s your back?” 三言两语,一声问候,暖人心怀: He found the talks that matter most tend to last only two or three minutes. It’s not the long meaning-of-life conversations that remind old Without the beacon of “friends,” the path of life will become dull; without the note of “friend,” life music will lose its moving beauty. Chinese songs sung by the first generation: Find and find and find, find a good friend, salute ah ... However, to find friends, make friends is also an art. This article argues that friendship is not a simple, spontaneous phenomenon that occurs naturally: But you do not want to happen. The friends who have do not want to be created (created) and nurtured (trained) .Like any other skill, building friendship has to be How to create and nurture friendship, the main points of the article are as follows: a. “Friendship First”: It takes time to make friends, but it is worth. Making time for friends may mean leaving the house a bit messier, letting the grassgrow higher or skipping your favorite TV sitcom. But are not these smallprices to pay for the pleasures of companionship? B. seemingly trivial acts of caring are what keep keephipships going going: thebirthday call, the note scrawled in a greeting card to ask, “How’s your back? ” In a few words, a greeting, warmhearted: He found the talks that matter most tend to last only two or three minutes. It’s not the long meaning-of-life conversations that remind old
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