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我们有选择地(指所选的对象在感冒前有胃肠道疾病史)将120例1~12岁(不论男女)“感冒后脾虚”的患儿分为四组。每组30人进行对照处理(指从热退后起至食纳基本恢复正常为止),第一组不预服中西药物,第二组服西药胃酶合剂,维生素B1酵母片,第三组以中药健脾和胃,方用参苓白术散,第四组以养阴清热和胃,方用竹叶石膏汤。经观察结果证实,第一组愈期平均6.3天,第二组6.1天,第三组6.4天,第四组5.9天。观察结果评定:其四个对照组中虽以第四组(竹叶石膏汤组)疗效略佳,但均值未超过6小时,明显差异不大,故此认为以药物专门治疗“感冒后脾虚”实用价值不大。 1 材料方法 1.1 一般资料 在其观察的120例患儿中,男64例,女56例。1~3岁29例。3~7岁63例,7岁以上28例,以上患儿无机分为四组,平均每组30人。 We selectively divided the four groups of 120 children aged 1 to 12 years (both men and women) with “spleen deficiency after cold”, selectively (referring to the selected subjects with a history of gastrointestinal disease before a cold). Each group of 30 people for control treatment (referring to the retreat from the heat up until the basic return to normal), the first group is not pre-served Chinese and Western medicine, the second group with western medicine gastric enzyme mixture, vitamin B1 yeast tablets, the third group Chinese medicine spleen and stomach, side with Shenling Baizhu San, the fourth group with yin yin heat and stomach, side bamboo leaves gypsum soup. The observation confirmed that the first group averaged 6.3 days, the second group of 6.1 days, the third group of 6.4 days, the fourth group of 5.9 days. The results of the assessment: Although the fourth control group in the fourth group (bamboo leaf gypsum soup group) slightly better efficacy, but the average did not exceed 6 hours, no significant difference, so that the drug-specific treatment of “cold spleen after” practical Little value. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 General Information In its observation of 120 cases of children, 64 males and 56 females. 1 to 3 years old in 29 cases. 3 to 7 years old in 63 cases, 28 cases over the age of 7, the above children were divided into four groups of inorganic, with an average of 30 people in each group.
斯坦尼斯拉夫·古斯塔沃维奇·斯特鲁米林 ( Stanislav Gustarovich Strumilin,1 877- 1 974) ,苏联经济学家和统计学家。斯特鲁米林又名斯特鲁米洛——彼特腊什凯维奇 ( Str
探 母1946年,马烽仍在《晋绥大众报》编辑部工作。这年春天,编辑部打算派一名记者到新解放区了解一下报纸的发行情况和农民读者对报纸的要求,地点选在汾阳县平川。马烽主动要
李春虎同志自 1 994年以来一直在太原理工大学煤化工研究所工作 ,历任课题负责人 ,研究室主任 ,副所长 ,硕士生导师 ,博士生导师。他长期从事煤化工、天然气和石油化工原料气