
来源 :思想政治课教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dhgczjd
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人生价值观教育是中学政治课教学所面临的一项重要而艰巨的任务。在认真学习小平同志南巡重要谈话,加快改革开放步伐,集中精力把经济建设搞上去的新形势下,如何坚持社会主义集体主义的人生价值导向,使中学生人生价值观教育更适合社会实际和学生思想实际,更贴近中学生的生活,符合他们的成长规律,更能准确地回答中学生关心的各种人生问题,提高教育的针对性和实效性,为他们走向社会奠定坚实的基础,是一个亟需研究和探讨的重大课题。我们曾于去年底至今年上半年对这个问题进行了一些调查研究,对全国14个省市的136所中学近7000名中学生作了问卷调查,现就这个问题谈一点个人的看法。 Life values ​​education is an important and arduous task faced by middle school politics teaching. After earnestly studying Comrade Xiaoping’s important scrutiny on the South tour, speeding up the pace of reform and opening up, and focusing on the new situation of economic construction, how to maintain the life-value orientation of socialist collectivism so that the education of life values ​​for middle school students is more suitable for social reality and student ideology Actually, it is closer to the life of middle school students and is in line with their growth laws. It can more accurately answer the various life issues that middle school students care about, improve the pertinence and effectiveness of education, and lay a solid foundation for them to reach the society. It is an urgent need to study. And discuss major issues. We conducted a number of investigations and studies on this issue from the end of last year to the first half of this year. We conducted questionnaire surveys on nearly 7,000 secondary school students in 136 secondary schools in 14 provinces and cities in China. We now discuss some personal views on this issue.
目的 探讨尿道下裂合并阴茎阴囊转位一期手术矫正方法。方法 根据阴茎及阴囊皮肤分布情况,采用保留轴心血管的阴茎或阴囊内膜蒂皮辦尿道成形技术,先矫正阴茎下曲及尿道成形,
目的 探讨体外可控性回肠代膀胱术的临床应用效果。方法 距回盲部 2 0cm处 ,取 48cm回肠 ,中段 3 0cm折叠成N形并缝制成贮尿囊 ;远端 10cm经腹壁造瘘口处穿出体外 ,将此处
配方法的思想对我们初中生来说是一种崭新的思维方式。当某些数学问题的研究讨论陷入僵持时,配方法常常能给予巧妙的配合,使我们突然间获得解决问题的方法和结果。 [例1] 化
01“Double Anti”of the U.S.Having Great Influence on Chinese Tire On August 5,the United States Department of Commerce issued anti-dumpling and anti-subsidy du
<正> 笔者最近在福建教育学院编的《初中物理课外习题集》中看到这样一道例题:“人骑马上山,人做功没有,马做功没有?”该书的解答是:人因为没有用力,所以没有做功。马用了力,
本文通过检测慢性间质性肾疾病患者血及尿中转化生长因子 β(TGF β1 )的水平 ,探讨TGF β1 在肾间质纤维化中的作用以及检测尿TGF β1 可能具有的临床意义。1 材料与方法1.1 一般资