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沙地、沙子。砖地、砖头。长满黑发的“老人”浮士德躺倒在北京人艺小剧场的舞台上。历时两个小时,浮士德终于完成了他的追求,死去了。他的死,没有引起全场如雷般的掌声,他死得那样平常。 中央戏剧学院沈博士改编自歌德名剧《浮士德》的小剧场话剧《盗版浮士德》上演了。执导 Sand, sand. Brick floor, brick. Full of dark hair “old man ” Faust lying on stage in Beijing Art Theater. It took two hours, Faust finally completed his pursuit, died. His death did not arouse the appalling applause of the audience and he died as usual. Dr. Shen at the Central Academy of Drama staged a small theater drama “Pirate Faust” adapted from Goethe's famous drama Faust. Directed
Sinopec Zhongyuan Petrochemical Corp. Ltd. (ZPC) held a groundbreaking ceremonyon April 16th to start construction of 600 000 t/a methanol-to-olefin project in
【正】 Population growth and rapid industrializationare making reverse osmosis (RO) technologya mission critical component in meetingthe potable and non-potable w
第一次听到田歌 ,便觉得惊喜 ,可以想象 ,这因劳动而产生的歌曲 ,在田头阡陌回响时会是多么生动、风趣和健康。第一次走进廊棚 ,便不由感叹 ,放眼望去 ,这为情郎而搭建的长棚
China’s economy has expanded year after year, driving the consumptionof energy and resources up substantially. The Chinese are wellaware of their dependence o
Solidification sequence of a typical Ni 3Al base superalloy IC6 was studied by isothermal solidification method. The results show that the liquidus, solidus,
如果说艺术电影是“票房毒药”、“票房陷阱”,上述的事实已经表明总会有人甘愿中毒,情愿被陷。 If the art film is the “box office poison”, “box office trap”, the
【正】 Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.(GBPC, SZ: 000522) reported on April 11th thata new drug it developed, namedcephacarboximidamide, recently r
看了这些国产电影的英文译名,你有什么感想? Farewell my concubine——再见了,我的小老婆(这可是《霸王别姬》的英文译名啊。) Seventeen years——十七年 Farewell my co
北风那个吹, 雪花那个飘, 雪花那个飘, 年来到。 我盼爹爹快回家, 欢欢喜喜过个年! 一曲久唱不衰的歌剧选曲《北风吹》,以它沧桑而坚定的步伐,走过了五十个极不寻常的春、夏