奥运让新浪的网络媒体优势地位更强——访新浪营销中心总经理 葛景栋

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葛景栋香港大学国际工商管理硕士2000年初加盟新浪,历任业务拓展经理、客户总监、销售支持中心总监等职务,现任新浪营销中心总经理兼华东分公司总经理,负责全国销售支持及华东分公司的管理工作。在新浪任职期间,葛景栋曾先后开拓和服务于欧莱雅、NIKE、Ebay等新浪大客户,积累了丰富的网络营销经验,并在新浪的销售策略管理、产品开发、营销服务体系建设中发挥了重要的管理职能。 Ge Jingdong University of Hong Kong Master of International Business Joined SINA in early 2000, served as business development manager, account director, sales support center director and other positions, the incumbent Sina Marketing Center general manager and East China branch general manager, responsible for the national sales support and East China branch management jobs. During his tenure in Sina, Ge Jingdong has pioneered and served in the L’Oreal, NIKE, Ebay and other large Sina customers, has accumulated rich experience in network marketing, and Sina’s sales strategy management, product development, marketing service system has played an important Management functions.
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