满足公众知情权 提升媒体公信力

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从原始意义上说,尊重和满足公众知情权的行为主体应是政府。自1945年美国记者肯特.库柏首次使用“知情权”一词以来,尊重和满足公众的知情权便被解释为西方国家政府的法定义务和公民应享有的一种民主权利。公众知情权成了民主社会的标志之一。经过演绎,特别是近年来在我国,“尊重和满足公众的知情权”也渐渐地被新闻媒体奉为责任和追求。学习贯彻“三个代表”重要思想、落实“三贴近”原则的基本要求,是密切同人民群众的联系,不断满足群众的各种需求。在新闻传播 In the original sense, the main body of the act of respecting and satisfying the public’s right to information should be the government. Since the first use of the term “right to information” by U.S. journalist Kent Cooper in 1945, respecting and satisfying the public’s right to information has been interpreted as the legal obligation of Western governments and as a democratic right to be enjoyed by citizens. The public’s right to know has become one of the hallmarks of a democratic society. After deduction, especially in recent years in our country, “to respect and satisfy the public’s right to information” has also gradually been regarded as responsibility and pursuit by the news media. The basic requirement of studying and implementing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ and implementing the principle of ’three closerness’ is to maintain close contact with the masses of the people and continuously meet the various demands of the masses. Spread in the news