人生本已苦短,短而并不能得到多少安宁。本文的一句话,不仅让笔者的心悲凉起来:There are very few times in a woman’s life when somethingdoesn’t Interfere with her sleep(在女人的一生中没有什么事情能干扰她的睡眠的时间,是非常有限的)。作为一个即将达到“而立之年”的女性,正是在夜半时分无法入眠时,起床上网浏览,正巧读到此文,产生的共鸣之强烈,你们也许可以想象。不过,此文给我的帮助很大,尤其是以下一段,也许,今后我的睡眠会好起来,我愿意将本文推荐给贵刊的女性读者,不,也包括男性读者,希望能够从中受益。文章写道:
Life is already short and short but it does not give much peace. The sentence in this article not only makes the author’s heart sad: There are very few times in a woman’s life when somethingdoesn’t Interfere with her sleep. There is nothing in the woman’s life that can interfere with her sleep. It is very limited. of). As a woman who is about to reach the “year of the year”, it is at the midnight when she is unable to go to bed. When she happens to read this article, the resulting resonance is strong and you may be able to imagine it. However, this article has helped me a lot, especially in the following paragraph. Perhaps, my sleep will be better in the future. I would like to recommend this article to the female readers of your magazine. No, it also includes male readers who hope to benefit from it. The article wrote: