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1987年4月25日,在自治区党委担任秘书的阿迪雅被任命为内蒙古蒙文专科学校校长. 阿迪雅出生于大青山北麓一个普通的苏木(乡)干部家庭.“文革”中,父母被打成“特务”和“反革命”,不知去向,家也被查封,他成了社会的弃儿.两年后,父母又成了“内人党”,他被打成“现行反革命”,送到矿上去挖煤,到农村去插队.生活的艰辛和社会的歧视使他得以磨炼和早熟,迫使他自辟蹊径,自闯生路,具有了不向困难屈服,逆境中获得生存的本领.他以自己的智慧和才华博得人们的赞许,被提干担任秘书和人事干部;以小学文凭而入大学,并以优异成绩留校当教师;在没有任何门路和关系的情况下,以自己的勤奋和卓识成为所处环境中的佼佼者,被选拔到上级教育部门以至政府部门的处级领导岗位上,很快又被选拔担任自治区领导的秘书.他曾在自治区 On April 25, 1987, Adiya, who served as secretary of the party committee of the autonomous region, was appointed as president of Inner Mongolia Mongolian College and Adiya was born in a common family of Hemu (township) cadres in the northern foot of Daqingshan Mountain. He was labeled “spy” and “counter-revolutionary” and disappeared. His family was seized and he became an outcast of society. Two years later, his parents became “an insider party” and he was labeled “an ongoing counterrevolutionary” Sent to the mine to dig coal and went to the countryside to jump in. The hardships of life and social discrimination enabled him to hone and precocity, forcing him to develop his own way and work hard to survive, with the ability to surrender to difficulties and survival in adversity. With his wisdom and talent won the people’s approval, was promoted to serve as secretary and personnel cadres; with a primary school diploma into college, and with outstanding achievements to stay in school as a teacher; in the absence of any path and relationship to their own Diligence and awareness as the leader in the environment, was selected to the higher education department and government departments at the level of leadership positions, and soon was selected as the autonomous region leadership secretary .He has in the autonomous region
规模和设施学生7640名,其中研究生310名,图书馆:藏书54.4万册,最突出的是物理、数学等自然科学方面的藏书;缩微胶片8.4万张。计算机Sperry UNIVAC1110/80,IBM 4341。科研机
本文试就我国现行挤压铝型材编号体系与《铝及铝、镁合金挤压型材图册》编制方法进行综合分析与评价,并参考国外先进归类方法,对挤压铝型材编号提出新的设想。 This article
一、上海浦东新区,是我国今后几年开发的重点,将在下世纪初建成全国现代化建设的龙头和国际经济、金融、贸易中心; 二、海南洋浦开发区,将建成我国第一大自由港; 三、吉林珲