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“三八”妇女节起源于1909年3月8日,那时,美国芝加哥的劳动妇女为了爭取妇女解放,举行了一次要求平等自由的罢工和游行示威。这次游行示威得到了美国广大劳动妇女的响应和支持。第二年,即1910年,由德国的妇女运动家克拉拉·蔡特金領导的国际劳动妇女大会,在丹麦京城哥本哈根开会的时候,蔡特金提議:为了加强国际劳动妇女的团結和解放运动,订三月八日为国际妇女节。她的提議获得全体与会者的拥护,一致决議通过。当时会上还提出:实行八小时工作制,同工同酬,保护母性,保护童工等提案。1911年3月8日,德国、奥国、瑞典、丹麦和美国等国家的劳动妇女都举行了游行示威。从那时起,“三八”节就逐漸在世界各国流行起来了。中国妇女运动,是受国际妇女运动和中国革命运动的影响发展起来的。中国妇女纪念自己的节日“三八”节,是从中国革命运动的浪潮日益高涨的1924年开始的,地点是在广东省广州市第一公园,领导这一次会的是中国共产党。在那次紀念会中提出了:打倒帝国主义,打倒軍閥,同工同酬,保护童工和孕妇, The “March 8” Women’s Day originated on March 8, 1909, when working women in Chicago in the United States held a strike and a procession calling for equality and freedom in an effort to liberate women. The demonstration has received the response and support of a large number of working women in the United States. The following year, in 1910, the International Working Women’s Conference, led by the German women’s activist Clara Zeitgin, met in Copenhagen, Denmark, and Zitkin proposed that in order to strengthen the unity and liberation of international working women, Exercise, set March 8 as International Women’s Day. Her proposal was endorsed by all the participants and unanimously passed. At that meeting, the meeting also proposed: the proposal of implementing an eight-hour working system, equal pay for work of equal value, motherhood protection and child labor protection. On March 8, 1911, working women in Germany, Austria, Sweden, Denmark and the United States held a demonstration. Since then, the “March” festival has gradually become popular all over the world. The Chinese women’s movement was developed under the influence of the International Women’s Movement and the Chinese Revolutionary Movement. Chinese women commemorated their “38” festival, which started from the rising tide of the Chinese revolutionary movement in 1924 in the First Park of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. The Chinese Communist Party was the leader. At that commemorative meeting, we proposed: to overthrow imperialism, overthrow the warlords, pay equal pay for work of equal value, protect child labor and pregnant women,
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