根据清代李汝珍同名小说1 在唐朝武则天做皇帝的时候,有个名叫唐敖的秀才赴京应试,中了探花。不料,因受到起兵反对武后做皇帝的好友徐敬业、魏思温的牵连,又被贬为平民。自此,唐敖万念俱灰,羞于还乡,便雇了一只小船,四处遨游。2 这一日来到岭南,他忽然想起妻舅林之洋经常漂洋去做生意,倘能结伴远游,岂不是好?于是他来到林家。林之洋这次远涉重洋,为时较长,准备携妻女同去。他们听了唐敖的来意,都表示欢
According to the novel of the same name by Li Ruzhen in the Qing Dynasty 1, when Emperor Wu Zetian of the Tang Dynasty was an emperor, there was a scholar named Tang Ao who went to Beijing to take the test and made a mid-stream test. Unexpectedly, due to being uprising against the post-martial arts emperor Xu Jingye, Wei Siwen implicated, and was relegated to civilian. Since then, Tang Ao despair, ashamed to return home, they hired a boat, travel around. 2 This day came to Lingnan, he suddenly remembered his brother Lin Ocean often do business, if travel together, would not it be good? So he came to Lin. Lam Yam-yang is far off the ocean for a long time and is ready to bring his wife and daughter together. They listened Tang Ao’s intentions, all said joy