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目的以东莞市孕中期妇女为对象,研究其膳食营养状况与妊娠结局之关联。方法采用连续3天24小时膳食回顾法,对2014年纳入东莞市某医院队列研究的孕中期妇女膳食进行调查,与膳食营养素参考摄入量和膳食指南推荐食物摄入量进行比较,并分析比较不同妊娠结局孕妇营养状况是否存在差异。结果共纳入890名孕中期妇女,年龄(26.21±3.15)岁,孕前BMI 19.83±2.45。日均能量摄入为2042 kcal,蛋白质摄入量74.0 g,碳水化合物和脂肪供能比分别为55.20%和30.63%,基本符合推荐摄入量;而膳食纤维、钙、视黄醇当量、维生素B1和维生素B2摄入量分别为12.0 g/d、558.7 g/d,236.7μgRE/d、1.0 mg/d、1.1 mg/d,均低于推荐摄入量;磷、锌和铜日均摄入量分别为1114.8 mg、12.5 mg和2.2 mg,超过推荐摄入量。蔬菜和水果日均摄入量分别为302.3 g和412.3 g,蔬菜在推荐摄入量的下限,水果比推荐摄入上限略高;鱼禽蛋肉日均摄入量合计为254.7 g/d,达到推荐摄入量;而奶及奶制品日均摄入量仅为156.6 g,低于推荐摄入量。贫血组孕妇蛋白质、脂肪、维生素B_1、维生素B_2和钙摄入量低于非贫血组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);新生儿不同出生体重、妊高症与非妊高症组间营养素摄入量比较未发现显著差异。结论东莞市孕中期妇女大部分营养素和食物的摄入量达到了推荐摄入量,但维生素B_1、维生素B_2、膳食纤维、钙、铁和视黄醇当量、蔬菜、奶制品等仍存在摄入不足,贫血孕妇有不同程度蛋白质、脂肪、维生素B_1、维生素B_2和钙的摄入量不足。 Objective To investigate the relationship between dietary nutritional status and pregnancy outcome in pregnant women in Dongguan city. Methods A three-day, 24-hour diet review was conducted to investigate the pregnant-to-middle-aged women’s diet in a cohort study conducted in a hospital in Dongguan in 2014, compared with the reference intake of dietary nutrients and the recommended dietary intake of dietary guidelines, and analyzed and compared Different pregnancy outcomes pregnant women whether there is a difference in nutritional status. Results A total of 890 pregnant women were enrolled in the study. The age was (26.21 ± 3.15) years old and the pre-pregnancy BMI was 19.83 ± 2.45. The daily energy intake was 2042 kcal, the protein intake was 74.0 g, carbohydrate and fat energy supply ratio was 55.20% and 30.63% respectively, basically in line with the recommended intake; and dietary fiber, calcium, retinol equivalent, vitamins B1 and vitamin B2 intake were 12.0 g / d, 558.7 g / d, 236.7 μgRE / d, 1.0 mg / d and 1.1 mg / d, respectively, which were lower than the recommended intake. Daily intake of phosphorus, zinc and copper Intake were 1114.8 mg, 12.5 mg and 2.2 mg, more than the recommended intake. The average daily intake of vegetables and fruits were 302.3 g and 412.3 g respectively. The lower limit of recommended intake for vegetables was slightly higher than the recommended upper limit for intake of fruits and vegetables. The daily intake of fish and eggs totaled 254.7 g / d, Reached the recommended intake; while the average daily intake of milk and dairy products was only 156.6 g, lower than the recommended intake. The levels of protein, fat, vitamin B 1, vitamin B 2 and calcium in pregnant women with anemia were significantly lower than those without anemia (P <0.05). Neonatal children with different birth weights, pregnancy-induced hypertension and non- There was no significant difference in nutrient intakes. Conclusion Most pregnant women in the second trimester of Dongguan achieved the recommended intakes of dietary intakes, but intake of vitamin B_1, vitamin B_2, dietary fiber, calcium, iron and retinol, vegetables and dairy products still existed Insufficient, anemia, pregnant women have varying degrees of protein, fat, vitamin B_1, vitamin B_2 and calcium intake is insufficient.
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