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大豆高抗灰斑病品种与抗性不同的品种杂交,F_1代各个组合的灰斑病粒率均表现高抗,其病粒率值的大小与另一亲本的抗性程度呈正相关,并相关极显著。中抗品种与感病品种杂交,或双亲皆为感病品种,F_1代病粒率多倾向双亲之间。5个正反交组合F_1代灰斑病粒率表现,经t值测定差异不显著。高抗品种与感病品种杂交的4个组合,F_2代灰斑病粒率表现出不同抗性的变异趋向。呈偏态分布。 Soybean highly resistant to Cercospora solani had cross resistance with different resistant varieties. The gray leaf spot percentage of F1 combinations showed high resistance, and the size of the disease rate was positively correlated with the resistance of the other parents significant. Medium resistant varieties and susceptible varieties of hybrids, or both parents are susceptible varieties, F_1 ​​generation of particles rate more likely to parents. Five positive and negative cross combination F_1 gray leaf disease rate performance, the t value was not significantly different. Four combinations of high resistant varieties and susceptible varieties showed the trend of variation of different resistances on the F 2 generation of gray leaf spot. Is skewed distribution.
试验于2009-2011年在山东农业大学科技示范园(东经117.15o,北纬36.17o)进行。在大田条件下,以鲁棉研28号为材料,设置两个施钾量(K_2O100和150kg hm~(-2))、两种施钾方式(一次性基施和1/2基施、1/2花铃期追施),研究钾肥运筹对棉花(Gossyiumhirsutum L.)产量品质的影响及其生理基础。主要试验结果如下:1.钾肥运筹对棉花生长发育的影响施钾对苗期
Using an equation-of-motion technique, we theoretically study the Fano-Kondo effect in the T-shaped double quantum dots coupled to two ferromagnetic leads by th
20101021独秀系列柴油机活塞独秀系列柴油机活塞,是铝合金制柴油机曲柄连杆机构零件,具有机械强度高、耐高温、耐腐蚀和使用寿命长等特点。主要技术参数 20101021 Dusun Ser
By adding frequency modulated signals to the intensity equation of gain-noise model of the single-mode laser driven by two coloured noises which are correlated,