与时俱进 开拓创新 多种经营 稳步发展

来源 :供电企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jimmyhill
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由中国电力企业联合会供电分会主办的《供电企业管理》创刊一百期,百期历程,值得庆贺。自1987年创刊以来,历经中国社会的巨大变化,尤其是电力行业可以说是天翻地覆的变化。由能源部,电力部,国家电力公司,到目前正在落实国务院国发|2002|5号“关于印发电力体制改革方案的通知”文件精神,再要寻找上个世纪80年代的电力行业痕迹已是越来越困难。随着国家经济、社会的发展,对外开放,深化改革的步伐逐渐加快,特别是近十年的形势发展,真是突飞猛进。要跟上形势发展的步伐,要与时俱进,站在浪潮上一并前进,在逐步跨入信息化、数字化社会的今天,必须随时抓住信息,不管是经济的、技术的、管 The “Power Supply Enterprise Management” sponsored by the Power Supply Association of the China Electricity Council is a one-hundred-year issue that is worth celebrating. Since its inception in 1987, great changes have taken place in Chinese society, especially the power industry can be said to have turned upside down. The Department of Energy, the Ministry of Power, and the State Power Corporation are currently implementing the document issued by the State Council’s State Development Administration | No. 2002 | No. 5 “Notification on Printing and Distributing the Electric Power System Reform Plan”. They must also look for traces of the electric power industry in the 1980s. It is getting harder and harder. With the development of the country’s economy and society, the pace of opening up to the outside world and deepening reforms has been gradually accelerating, especially since the development of the situation in the past decade. To keep up with the pace of development, we must keep up with the times and advance along with the times. As we gradually enter the informatization and digital society, we must grasp information at any time, no matter whether it is economical, technical, or
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