Reactivity and structural characterization of divalent samarium aryloxide with diethylaluminum chlor

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Reaction of (ArO)2Sm(THF)4 (ArO = 2,6-di- tert-butyl-4-methylphenolate) with Et2AlCl in THF gives SmCl2 (1) and (ArO)AlEt2(THF) (2) via ligand exchange. Complex 1 reacts with cyclooctatetraene (C8H8) to give [(C8H8)SmCl(THF)2]2 (3). Crystal structural determinations show that complex 2 has a monomeric structure, the aluminum atom is coordinated by two carbon atoms and two oxygen atoms, to form a distorted tetrahedron. Complex 3 has a dimeric structure, the samarium atom is coordinated by a cyclooctatetraenyl ring, two chorine atoms and two oxygen atoms, the coordination number of the central metal is 9.
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