人们常说,中国人迷信,其实欧洲人也迷信,最迷信的要算葡萄牙人。在葡萄牙北部一城镇上,为了阻止吉普赛人进入自己的店铺,商店老板用塑料和瓷制青蛙来防吉普赛人。据悉,青蛙在吉普赛人传统中是霉运的象征,这已经不是葡萄牙商店零售第一次采用这样的方法了。据Porto附近Marco de canaveses地区的零售商表示,一群吉普赛人在零售市场中心扎营,给当地带来许多麻烦。对于当地吉普赛人进商店盗窃、偷钱包、以及一些不被社会接受的与不卫生的生活习惯,当地人怨声载道。当地一个女装店的老板就抱怨到,一名吉普赛妇女偷
People often say that Chinese people are superstitious, in fact, Europeans are also superstitious, the most superstitious to be Portuguese. In a town in northern Portugal, shopkeepers used plastic and porcelain frogs to prevent gypsies in order to stop gypsies from entering their stores. It is reported that frogs in the Roma tradition is a symbol of bad luck, this is not the first time in the Portuguese retail shops to adopt such a method. According to retailers in the Marco de canaveses area near Porto, a group of Roma people camp in the retail market center, causing many problems for the local community. Locals complain about the theft of local gypsies, the stealing of their wallets, and the unsanitary habits that are not socially accepted. The owner of a local women’s clothing shop complained that a Gypsy woman stole