Monotonic tensile behavior analysis of three-dimensional needle-punched woven C/SiC composites by ac

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunbody
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High toughness and reliable three-dimensional needled C/SiC composites were fabricated by chemical vapor infiltration (CVI).An approach to analyze the tensile behaviors at room temperature and the damage accumulation of the composites by means of acoustic emission was researched.Also the fracture morphology was examined by S-4700 SEM after tensile tests to prove the damage mechanism.The results indicate that the cumulative energy of acoustic emission(AE)signals can be used to monitor and evaluate the damage evolution in ceramic-matrix composites.The initiation of room-temperature tensile damage in C/SiC composites occurred with the growth of micro-cracks in the matrix at the stress level about 40% of the ultimate fracture stress.The level 70% of the fracture stress could be defined as the critical damage strength. High toughness and reliable three-dimensional needled C / SiC composites were fabricated by chemical vapor infiltration (CVI). An approach to analyze the tensile behaviors at room temperature and the damage accumulation of the composites by means of acoustic emission was researched. Als the fracture morphology was examined by S-4700 SEM after tensile tests to prove the damage mechanism. The results indicate that the cumulative energy of acoustic emission (AE) signals can be used to monitor and evaluate the damage evolution in ceramic-matrix composites. The initiation of room-temperature tensile damage in C / SiC composites occurred with the growth of micro-cracks in the matrix at the stress level about 40% of the ultimate fracture stress. level 70% of the fracture stress could be defined as the critical damage strength .
上期回顾:“打击少女”组合在面试时为什么那么注重武功?队员为什么要看那么多武侠书?原来“打击少女” 并不是乐队组合,她们更重要的任务是——打击文物犯罪。    此人也是华光学生,“怀级”武班的学生,叫郦怀琛。  郦怀琛没在华光毕业,他是中途退学的。其实他的武功成绩还是不错的。他看了电影《无极》,觉得像鬼狼那样披着黑袍从树上飞下很酷。他就那样打扮了,并把脸涂得很白。在那个星月惨淡的夜晚,他耐心地蹲在
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凌晨,突发惊案 2000年4月24日凌晨4时许,万籁俱寂。突然,一阵急促的电话铃声在新建县公安局刑侦大队的值班室震响,把熬了夜班睡得很晚的副大队长张巍惊醒,他机敏地接过话筒,
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