Nonlinear Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation of a Flexible Beam Considering Shear Effect

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yzjzs13141
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Nonlinear modeling of a flexible beam with large deformation was investigated. Absolute nodal cooridnate formulation is employed to describe the motion, and Lagrange equations of motion of a flexible beam are derived based on the geometric nonlinear theory. Different from the previous nonlinear formulation with Euler-Bernoulli assumption, the shear strain and transverse normal strain are taken into account. Computational example of a flexible pendulum with a tip mass is given to show the effects of the shear strain and transverse normal strain. The constant total energy verifies the correctness of the present formulation. Nonlinear modeling of a flexible beam with large deformation was investigated. Absolute nodal cooridnate formulation is employed to describe the motion, and Lagrange equations of motion of a flexible beam are derived based on the geometric nonlinear theory. Different from the previous nonlinear formulation with Euler- Bernoulli assumption, the shear strain and transverse normal strain are taken into account. Computational example of a flexible pendulum with a tip mass is given to show the effects of the shear strain and transverse normal strain. The constant total energy verifies the correctness of the present formulation.
刺槐小皱蝽是刺槐幼林枝干的主要害虫,近几年我场2000ha 刺槐更新幼林中危害严重,平均虫口500头/株以上,单株最高虫口达8000头。1990年5~9月,我们利用拟除虫菊酯农药进行防治
黄脊竹蝗(Ceracris kiangsu Tsai)是毛竹林的主要害虫,我国南方毛竹产区常遭大面积危害,严重影响毛竹的生产。过去对此虫的生物学、发生规律及防治方法等曾有人作了不少研究
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松材线虫 Bursaphelenchus xylophilus(Steiner et Buhrer)Nickle 在日本造成黑松 Pinus thunbergii Parl.和赤松 P.densiflora Zucc.的严重死亡。接种试验表明:黑