新中国的总管家非周恩来莫属,中共、苏共,连国民党方面的有识之士,都这么说。其实,早在土地革命战争时期,周恩来在瑞金和以瑞金为中心的中央苏区的种种出色表现,就已经显露出作为未来新中国开国总理的风采。审时度势 果敢决断 1927年大革命失败不久,中国共产党人发动南昌起义,打响了武装反抗国民党反动派,独立领导中国革命的第一枪。负责擘画、组织这次起义的,就是时为中共临时中央常委、南昌起义前敌委员会书记的周恩来。起
Zhou Enlai, the chief steward of New China, owes much to the CPC, the CPSU, and even the people of insight in the Kuomintang. In fact, as early as during the Agrarian Revolutionary War, Zhou Enlai’s outstanding performance in the Central Soviet Area centered on Ruijin and Ruijin had already revealed his style as the founding father of the new China in the future. Assessing the situation and decisively deciding shortly after the failure of the Great Revolution in 1927, the Chinese Communists launched the Nanchang Uprising and started the first shot of armed opposition to the Kuomintang reactionaries and the independent leadership of the Chinese revolution. In charge of drawing and organizing this uprising, Zhou Enlai, an interim CCP Central Committee member and secretary of the Nanchang Uprising former enemy committee, was in charge. Start