
来源 :河南预防医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanshixian
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目的 探讨小儿鼠伤寒沙门氏菌病流行病学特点及防治 ,控制流行。方法 分别采取患儿粪便、血液、脑脊液、胸腔积液、脓液、胃液等标本 ,细菌学培养分离并收集 1990~ 1993年间所分离的部分菌株作STM噬菌体分型。结果 显示本地区自 1984年感染人数呈逐年急骤上升 ,1988~ 1990年为持续流行高峰期 ,1991年渐趋下降 ,后呈波浪式散发流行。春夏季发病率为高 ,分别为 2 6 .72 %、30 .59%。农村高于城市。发病年龄 1岁以下占 82 .3% ,其中新生儿占 2 1.2 %。原发感染 71.8% ,继发感染 2 8.2 % ,院中感染 2 2 .1%。胃肠炎型占 93.6 % ,败血症型占 4 % ,局灶型占 0 .7%。STM噬菌体分型结果 2 36株STM共分 2 8个噬体型 ,其中 7774、4 774、70 0 0、0 774、0 754型为本地区主要流行的噬菌体型。结论 STM感染在社会人群中广泛存在 ,针对流行因素和传染途径 ,加强对本病的防治是关键 Objective To investigate the epidemiological characteristics and prevention and control of Salmonella typhimurium in children. Methods Specimens of stool, blood, cerebrospinal fluid, pleural effusion, pus and gastric juice were collected from children and separated by bacteriological culture. The strains isolated from 1990 to 1993 were collected for STM phage typing. The results showed that the number of people infected in the area increased sharply year by year from 1984 to 1988, and continued to peak from 1988 to 1990, then gradually declined in 1991 and then became a wave-like epidemic. The incidence of spring and summer was high, respectively, 26.72%, 30.59%. Rural is higher than the city. The age of onset under the age of 1 accounted for 82.3%, of which 2 1.2% of newborns. Primary infection was 71.8%, secondary infection was 8.2% and hospital infection was 21.1%. Gastroenteritis accounted for 93.6%, sepsis accounted for 4%, focal type accounted for 0.7%. STM phage typing results 2 36 strains of STM were divided into 28 phage types, among which 7774, 4774, 70 0 0, 0 774 and 0 754 types were the major phage-type in this area. Conclusion The infection of STM is widespread in the community of people. In view of epidemic factors and routes of transmission, strengthening the prevention and treatment of this disease is the key
1 流行病学调查1998年 11月 15日下午 2时许 ,苏沟村村民常君生在诸葛镇诸葛街王建松宰杀房购买了二十余斤牛骨、牛肝、牛肺 ,带回自办的饭店里 ,下午进行了煮制 ,于 11月 1