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行政规范的法源地位问题,国内学者已经进行过不同程度的讨论,并最终按照形式法治和实质法治的分类形成了两种法源确定的标准。第一种是形式的法源标准,即根据《立法法》的有关规定判断行政规范的法源地位。在这种标准下认为行政规范中只有行政法规和规章属于法律渊源,其他规范性文件根本不属于法律规范。第二种是实质的法源标准,即不把法律渊源看成法的存在方式,而是更多地注重其实际的规范功能,从而认为规章以外的其他规范性文件也应看成是法律渊源的一种。法源地位可以解决行政规范作为法律渊源的合法性问题,但无论是按照形式标准还是实质标准,符合法源标准的行政规范能否作为民事法源,仍有争议。例如,按照《立法法》的规定,属于法律渊源形式的规章并不能作为民法的法源,而在司法实践当中,规章却不时地被作为审判依据在民事纠纷中发挥着重要的作用。行政规范对民法的规范效力问题,不仅在法律规定中存在着模糊之处,在司法实践中,也缺乏统一的适用标准。通过对1985—2014年的最高人民法院公报“典型案例”和“裁判文书”中公布的645个民事案件的分析,能够揭示行政规范对民法规范效应的表现形态,有助于确定行政规范在民事审判中的适用原则或标准。 The legal status of administrative norms, the domestic scholars have conducted different levels of discussion, and ultimately in accordance with the form of rule of law and the classification of the real rule of law formed two sources to determine the standard. The first is the formal legal source standard, which is to determine the legal status of administrative norms according to the relevant provisions of the “Legislation Law.” Under this standard, only the administrative rules and regulations in the administrative norms belong to the legal origin, and other normative documents do not belong to the legal norms at all. The second is the substantive legal source standard, that does not regard the source of law as the existence of law, but more emphasis on its normative function, so that other normative documents outside the rules should also be regarded as a source of law A kind of The status of legal source can solve the problem of the legitimacy of administrative norms as a source of law. However, whether in accordance with formal standards or substantive standards, whether administrative norms conforming to legal standards can be used as sources of civil law is still controversial. For example, according to the “Legislation Law,” regulations that fall into the legal source form can not be used as sources of law in civil law. In judicial practice, regulations are occasionally used as the basis for judgments to play an important role in civil disputes. The normative effect of administrative norms on civil law not only has ambiguities in legal provisions, but also lacks the uniform applicable standards in judicial practice. The analysis of 645 civil cases published in the Supreme People’s Court Bulletin, “Typical Cases” and “Judicial Documents”, from 1985 to 2014 can reveal the manifestation of the normative effect of administrative norms on civil law and help to determine Administrative norms in civil trial in the application of principles or standards.
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