
来源 :国外医学.耳鼻咽喉科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:go2mx
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对于不能以药物控制症状的梅尼埃病,可采取外科治疗。手术方式按前庭功能保存与否可分为保守性和破坏性二类。1982年Schuknecht提出耳蜗球囊切开术,并为51例梅尼埃病患者施行了手术,结果70%患者眩晕消失,88%症状明显改善,平均随访时间为4.3月。耳蜗球囊切开术是在外耳道后壁作一弧形切口,剥离后将外耳道皮瓣和鼓膜向前掀起,暴露圆窗和卵圆窗,窥清圆窗膜后,以直径为3mm的细棒通过圆窗膜,方向指向卵圆窗,然后作30度旋转,刺入球囊,再取出细棒,在圆窗周围填 Surgical treatment may be used for Meniere’s disease that can not control the symptoms of the drug. Surgical preservation by the vestibular function can be divided into two types of conservative and destructive. Schuknecht proposed a cochlear balloon incision in 1982 and operated on 51 Meniere’s disease patients. 70% of the patients had vertigo disappeared and 88% of the symptoms were significantly improved with an average follow-up of 4.3 months. Cochlear balloon incision is made in the posterior wall of the external auditory canal curved incision, stripping the outer ear canal flap and the tympanic membrane set off, exposed round window and oval window, see the round window membrane, the diameter of 3mm fine Rod through the round window membrane, the direction of the oval window, and then for 30 degrees rotation, piercing the balloon, and then remove the thin rod around the round window to fill
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《合肥四姊妹》  金安平著,凌云岚、杨早译,生活,读书,新知三联书店2007年12月版,28.00元。    《合肥四姊妹》的作者是史景迁(Jonathan Spence)的夫人金安平。史景迁是著名的汉学家,以其深沉的历史关怀与熟美的历史讲述,风靡一代中国学界。  如果读者对这本书的传主——张元和、允和、兆和、充和四姊妹的前两位稍感陌生的话,对于第三位,可就没有理由不熟悉了:兆和就是那个长达四年的