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目的通过了解武陵山区农村基层医院医务人员的职业状况与职业认知,以期为服务于湘、鄂、渝、黔四省边区少数民族地区农村基层医院人力资源建设服务。方法以大湘西为主要样本区,采用分层整群抽样的方法,选取15所农村基层医院,采用自制调查问卷,通过邮寄方式调查122名农村所有在岗基层医务人员,建立数据库,采用统计描述分析方法分析所得数据。结果农村基层医院医务人员专业分布以临床医疗专业为主,初始学历中中专学历以下者占56.8%,初级职称以下者占79.5%,月收入1 000~2 000元者占63.9%;选择农村基层医院工作排在前三位原因:毕业服务分配占36.0%、家庭就近占30.3%、权宜之计占13.0%,对工作满意或基本满意者占76.0%,乡镇基层医院发展前景看好达60%,但对工作条件、生活环境、福利待遇、个人成长机会满意者不到10%,跳槽意愿达40.2%。结论湘鄂渝黔四省边区农村基层医院卫生技术人才队伍存在医学知识储备不足,技术职称不高,服务水平难提升,工作生活条件与福利待遇不如人意,潜在离职意愿高等问题,应重视对基层医院现有人力资源的挖掘和培养,提高福利,职称晋升给予政策倾斜,鼓励区域内少数民族地区医学院和医院了解并重视基层医疗的真正需要与现实价值,为当地培养下得去、用得上、留得住的实用型医学人才,并逐步建立一种以提高能力作为核心的终身学习制,注重学历和能力的双重提升。 Objective To understand the occupational status and occupational awareness of medical workers in rural grass-roots hospitals in Wuling Mountain with a view to serving the human resources construction of rural grass-roots hospitals serving the ethnic minority areas in the border provinces of Hunan, Hubei, Chongqing and Guizhou. Methods Taking Da Xiangxi as the main sample area, stratified cluster sampling method was used to select 15 rural grass-roots hospitals. By self-made questionnaires, 122 rural grass-roots medical workers were surveyed by mail and the database was established. Statistical analysis Method Analysis of the resulting data. Results The professional distribution of medical personnel in primary hospitals in rural areas mainly focused on clinical medical specialty. The students with the following qualifications of secondary education and secondary education accounted for 56.8% of the initial education level, 79.5% of whom were below junior level titles and 63.9% of whom had monthly income of 1,000-2,000 yuan. The top three reasons for the work of grassroots hospitals are graduation service allocation, accounting for 36.0%, family accounting for 30.3%, expedient accounting for 13.0%, job satisfaction or basic satisfaction 76.0%, township primary hospital development prospect is optimistic about 60% , But less than 10% of them are satisfied with working conditions, living environment, welfare and personal growth opportunities, and 40.2% are willing to quit their job. CONCLUSIONS: The health technical personnel in rural grass-roots hospitals in the border areas of Hunan, Hubei, Chongqing and Guizhou Provinces have problems such as insufficient medical knowledge reserve, low technical titles, difficult service improvement, unsatisfactory working and living conditions and welfare benefits, and high willingness to leave. The existing human resources in the hospital should be tapped and nurtured to improve the welfare. The promotion of professional titles should be given a favorable policy. Encourage medical schools and hospitals in ethnic minority areas in the region to understand and value the real needs and real values ​​of primary health care. And retain practical medical talents, and gradually establish a lifelong learning system with the core of improving abilities, paying attention to the dual promotion of academic qualifications and abilities.
目的 分析江西省“降消”项目县新生儿破伤风发病和死亡情况。方法 对项目县的新生儿破伤风发病与死亡情况进行统计,以1990年的资料为对照,作x~2检验。结果 “降消”项目启动