天津:引资瞄准大处 用资着眼实处

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“引资瞄准大处,用资着眼实处。”天津的这一做法,赢得外商信任,收到拉动经济快速发展的好效果。《人民日报》近日对此作了报道。 截至目前,到天津投资的跨国公司已有199家,投资项目311个,投资额超过85亿美元,项目平均规模2500万美元。世界排位前30名的大企业中,有13家到天津投资,像美国摩托罗拉、奥的斯,日本三菱、住友、丰田、本田,英国的壳牌,德国的西门子,丹麦的诺和诺德,瑞士的雀巢,意 “Attracting foreign capital aiming at the big things, with the funding of the real office.” This approach in Tianjin, won the trust of foreign investors, received a good effect of stimulating rapid economic development. People’s Daily reported on this issue recently. Up to now, there have been 199 multinationals that have invested in Tianjin, with 311 investment projects, with an investment of more than 8.5 billion U.S. dollars and an average project size of 25 million U.S. dollars. Thirteen of the top 30 largest companies in the world invest in Tianjin, such as Motorola, Otis, Japan, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, Toyota, Honda, Shell, Germany’s Siemens, Denmark’s Novo Nordisk, Nestle Switzerland, Italy
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