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去一趟远方,摘一朵梦想。那年,我十八岁,落了榜。才女立刻变成了被人同情的对象,而读大学,仿佛已经是一个遥远的梦了。我哭了很多次,绝望和颓废让我快崩溃了!那天,雨连绵不绝地下着,父母都去上班了,我忽然有一个念头,我要离开这里,越远越好!说干就干!我找了几件衣服,然后把母亲钱包里所有的钱全掏干净了,大概有七八十块的样子,我给他们留了一张纸条:我去散心了,不要找我。 Go to a distant place and pick a dream. That year, I was 18 years old, dropped the list. Talented woman immediately became the object of being sympathetic, and college, as if it is already a distant dream. I cried many times, desperation and decadent I almost collapsed! That day, under endless rain, parents go to work, I suddenly have a thought, I want to leave here, the farther the better! I looked for a few pieces of clothing and then all the money in my mother’s wallet was fully paid. There were about 70 to 80 pieces. I left a note for them: I went to give up and do not look for me.
<正> 在中国近现代实业界,荣宗敬、荣德生兄弟可能是最负盛名的,他们创办的荣家企业集团,从1896年钱庄起家,到1956年公私合营,曾经历了整整60个春秋的发展,成为我国民族工业
B1号别墅的室内设计清新、素雅。其整体色调既不象泰国风格的A15号那样厚重,也不象A22号那样跳跃、浪漫,它更象一个上了淡妆的成熟女人,稳重、可读而富有魅力。 B1 villa i
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