
来源 :孔子学院 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tinacat
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“请问你用怎样一句话形容中国?”“中国是一个既古老又年轻的国家。”“中国是一个充满历史和现代科技元素的地方。”“中国功夫、美食很棒。”“中国是我想要去的地方。”……这是一些可爱的美国学生给我的回答。他们的答案让我无比骄傲,为我们的祖国骄傲,为我们的文化骄傲,更为我们的人民骄傲;同时这些回答也让我对这些善良的学生充满感激之情,感谢他们对我们的祖国、我们的文化及我们 “” “China is an old and young country. ” “China is a place full of historical and modern science and technology. ” “Chinese Kung Fu, the food is very ”“ ”China is where I want to go. " ... This is some cute American students to my answer. Their answers have made me extremely proud, proud of our motherland, proud of our culture and even more proud of our people. At the same time, these answers have given me great gratitude to these kind-hearted students for their love of our motherland, Our culture and us
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全世界儿童都听过这个故事:当年一只掉地的苹果,引发牛顿提出了万有引力定律。许多历史学家对这件事做了考证——查 Children all over the world have heard this story: W
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长安一片月,万户捣衣声。(唐·李白《子夜吴歌·秋歌》)一片月光映照着长安城千家万户,到处都传来捣衣声。捣,读作:岛。古代妇女洗衣都用木棒,一面洗,一面打,叫 In Chang’a
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