
来源 :山东劳动保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woyaoqian115
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作为工业革命和社会化大生产产物的养老保险制度,在二十世纪的一百年间有了突飞猛进的发展。二十一世纪,我国社会各个方面将发生巨大变化,养老保险制度将呈现新的发展趋向。一、养老保险覆盖范围进一步扩大。养老保险覆盖范围的大小,从一个侧面反映出一个国家或地区的经济发展水平和社会文明程度。随着我国经济发展,社会进步,职工的保障意识不断提高,养老保险覆盖范围将进一步扩大。一是乡镇企业将纳入统一的企业职工养老保险体系。城市化是我国经济社会发展的既定方针,也是世界各国经济发展的必由之路。据有关部门推测,到2010年前后,我国城市化将达到35%左右,2050年将达到50%左右。经济较发达地区将呈现城乡经济一体化的趋势,伴随着这一发展趋向,乡镇企业将变成城镇企业,从而纳入统一的企业职工养老保险体系。二是外资企业将全部参加养老保险。中国入世后,开放程度将进一步加大,外资企业从业人员大量增加,把他们纳入统一的养老保险体系将是必然,也是国际惯例。外国人在中国就 As the product of the industrial revolution and socialization, the pension insurance system has enjoyed rapid development during the one hundred years of the twentieth century. In the 21st century, great changes will take place in all aspects of our society, and the pension insurance system will show a new trend of development. First, the coverage of pension insurance to further expand. The size of the coverage of pension insurance, from a side reflect the level of economic development and social civilization of a country or region. As China’s economic development, social progress, workers’ awareness of security is continuously improved, the coverage of pension insurance will be further expanded. First, township enterprises will be incorporated into a unified enterprise worker pension insurance system. Urbanization is the established principle of our country’s economic and social development as well as the only way for the economic development of all countries in the world. According to the relevant department’s speculation, by the year 2010, China’s urbanization will reach about 35%, and by 2050 it will reach about 50%. More economically developed regions will show the trend of urban-rural economic integration. With this trend of development, township and village enterprises will become urban enterprises, so as to be integrated into a unified system of pension insurance for enterprise employees. Second, all foreign-funded enterprises will participate in endowment insurance. After China’s accession to the WTO, the degree of openness will further increase. The number of employed foreign-funded enterprises has increased substantially. It is inevitable and an international practice to include them in a unified pension insurance system. Foreigners are in China
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  This study was supported by a grant from the State Committee for Scientific Research, Polish Ministry for Scientific Research and Information Technology, no