Optimization of relativistic laser–ion acceleration

来源 :High Power Laser Science and Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ggy353566
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Experiments have shown that the ion energy obtained by laser–ion acceleration can be optimized by choosing either the appropriate pulse duration or the appropriate target thickness. We demonstrate that this behavior can be described either by the target normal sheath acceleration model of Schreiber et al. or by the radiation pressure acceleration model of Bulanov and coworkers. The starting point of our considerations is that the essential property of a laser system for ion acceleration is its pulse energy and not its intensity. Maybe surprisingly we show that higher ion energies can be reached with reduced intensities. Experiments have shown that the ion energy was obtained by laser-ion acceleration can be optimized by either either appropriate pulse duration or the appropriate target thickness. We demonstrate that this behavior can be described either by the target normal sheath acceleration model of Schreiber et al. or by the radiation pressure acceleration model of Bulanov and coworkers. The starting point of our considerations is that the essential property of a laser system for ion acceleration is its pulse energy and not its intensity. Maybe surprisingly we show that higher ion energies can be reached with reduced intensities.
【摘要】《国务院关于加快发展现代职业教育的决定》在对2020年将要形成的现代职业教育体系进行界定时,首次明确提出了中职高职衔接的具体要求,就此引发了中高职衔接的热潮。但回顾过往,中高职衔接问题早在我国职业教育发展初期便已引起职教界前辈的关注。总结归纳改革开放几十年来职教界关于中高职衔接的理论、思想,对当下我国的中高职衔接进程将有所助益。  【关键词】职业教育;中高职衔接;学制与课程  【中图分类号
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