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第一次见到张钦若的画,是应邀为他拍电视片的时候,当时大大小小的近百张油画整整地挂满一教室,那热烈得近乎狂热的色彩,那深沉中透出的清新的意境,使整个昏暗的屋子都发出了动人的光辉。而满头银发的张钦若,站在屋子中央,一根接一根地续着烟,仿佛母亲欣赏新生的婴儿一般注视着自己的作品,激动之情溢于言表。后来,又有机会仔细观赏了他的油画创作,聆听了他对艺术和人生的长谈,不禁更为他精湛的艺术作品和真诚坦荡的人格所打动,使我深深感到:他是一位用心灵和艺术打交道的人,一位以真情创造生活,以真情创造艺 The first time I met Zhang Qinruo’s paintings, I was invited to film for him. At that time, nearly 100 large and small oil paintings were hung up in a classroom full of intense enthusiasm. The deep, fresh The mood, so that the entire dark room have sent a moving light. The silver-haired Zhang Qinruo, standing in the center of the house, one after another continued to smoke, as if the mother to appreciate the newborn baby generally watching their own works, excitement filled with words. Later, I had the chance to watch his oil painting carefully. He listened to his long talk about art and life and could not help but be touched by his exquisite works of art and his sincere and magnanimous personality, which made me feel deeply that he is a man People dealing with the soul and art, one to create life with truth, to create art with true love
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