
来源 :历史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:delphiall
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以《清史稿·儒林传》为代表的清代官方学术史总括有清一代儒学盛况,对它们的研究是清代学术史的重要课题。(1)清史《儒林传》纂修情形复杂,从1810年清朝政府辑纂国史《儒林传》始,到民国年间编纂刊布《清史稿·儒林传》为止,一百余年间主事者曾先后纂成八个成型稿本。(2)清史《儒林传》纂修过程以及八次稿本内容有待系统研究。此研究难点之一是,清史《儒林传》第七次稿命途多舛,较为神秘。我们仅粗知由马其昶主持这次修纂,又据夏孙桐说,清史《儒林传》第七次稿一度是《清史稿·儒林传》的底本之选,但刊印时因部分稿本遗失而 The official academic history of the Qing Dynasty, represented by “History of the Qing Dynasty Manuscripts”, summarizes the grand occasion of the Confucianism in the Qing Dynasty. The study of them is an important topic in the academic history of the Qing Dynasty. (1) The history of the Qing Dynasty The compilation of the Rulin biography is complicated. From the beginning of the Ruling of the Rulin government in 1810 to the compilation and editing of the biography of the Qing Dynasty and the biography of Confucian scholars in the period of the Republic of China, He has compiled eight posters. (2) The Qing Dynasty “Rulin Biography” compilation process and eight manuscripts subject to systematic study. One of the difficulties of this study is that it is more mysterious that the seventh draft of Rulin’s biography of the Qing Dynasty had a long way to go. According to Xia Sun-tung, the seventh draft of the Biography of the Rulin in the Qing Dynasty was once the basic choice of “Biography of the Rulin in the Qing Dynasty.” However, part of the manuscript was lost at the time of printing and
目的:探讨"极简式"腹腔镜下宫颈环扎术(simplified laparoscopic cervical cerclage,SLCC)预防既往经阴道宫颈环扎失败的女性中期流产、早产的效果,并评价手术安全性。方法:分析201
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