Study of Fusion Reaction of ~(28)Si+~(208)Pb

来源 :Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yiqikeren
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For nuclear reactions with heavy-ions at near-Coulomb-barrier energy region,an effect of neutron transfer with positive Q-values on nuclear fusion(capture)originates from the fact that neutrons are insensitive to the Coulomb barrier and therefore they can start being transferred at rather large separations before the projectile is captured by target-nucleus.It is generally thought that the sub-barrier fusion cross section For nuclear reactions with heavy-ions at near-Coulomb-barrier energy region, an effect of neutron transfer with positive Q-values ​​on nuclear fusion (capture) originates from the fact that neutrons are insensitive to the Coulomb barrier and therefore they can start being being transferred at rather large separations before the projectile is captured by target- nucleus. It is generally thought that the sub-barrier fusion cross section
1 Introduction This report presents the progress of nuclear data research at China Nuclear Data Center(CNDC)in 2014.The contents are:1)Evaluation and methodolog
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核工业是高科技战略产业,是国家安全的重要基石。当前,我国核工业正处于由大到强的关键时期,以军民融合深度发展推动核工业实现富国强军的使命,是顺应时代潮流的重大决策,是推动事业发展的根本遵循。  核工业从1955年创建以来,经历了从以军为主到军民结合的两个30年。第一个30年以军为主,取得了“两弹一艇”的辉煌成就,建立了门类齐全、专业配套的核科技工业体系,形成了一支高素质的核科技专业队伍,使我国成为拥