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目的分析比较城镇参保居民和农村参合居民住院医疗费用的差异,探讨其影响因素,为完善城乡居民医疗保障制度提供参考。方法选取某县2011年1月1日-2011年12月31日参保和参合居民住院患者,采用单因素分析和多元回归法分析住院费用的影响因素。结果参保患者平均住院费用(2 069.77元)显著高于参合患者平均住院费用(1 936.11元)(P<0.05),两种医保患者的住院费用构成中,排在前三位的均依次是药费、治疗费和检查费,其中参保患者的药费、手术费和特殊检查费高于参合患者(P<0.05)。城乡医保居民住院医疗费用的共同影响因素为年龄、住院日、有无手术、特殊检查和医院级别。结论控制药费的增长,有助于减轻居民的住院医疗费用支出;根据年龄特点,尽量地减少特殊仪器检查,严格掌握手术适应症,以减少住院日,从而降低住院费用。 Objective To analyze and compare the differences of hospitalization expenses between urban residents and rural residents, discuss the influencing factors and provide reference for improving the medical insurance system for urban and rural residents. Methods A hospital from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 was insured and participated in inpatients, and univariate analysis and multivariate regression analysis were used to analyze the influencing factors of hospitalization expenses. Results The average cost of hospitalization for insured patients (2 069.77 yuan) was significantly higher than that of participating patients (1 936.11 yuan) (P 0.05). Among the three types of medical insurance, Medical expenses, medical expenses and inspection fees, among which the insured patients’ medication, surgery fees and special examination fees were higher than those of the participating patients (P <0.05). The common factors affecting the hospitalization expenses of urban and rural medical insurance residents are age, hospitalization days, whether there is surgery, special examination and hospital level. Conclusion The control of the increase of medical expenses helps to reduce residents’ hospitalization expenses. According to the characteristics of age, the special instruments should be reduced as much as possible and the operation indications should be strictly controlled so as to reduce the hospitalization days and reduce the hospitalization expenses.
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