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当前,正处于可塑性大又易受外界影响阶段的中学生,消费观念发生了悄悄的变化,其中,有些中学生追求吃喝玩乐,走上了偷、赌等违法邪路。他们人数虽然不多但影响不小,因此在对中学生的法纪教育中,要特别重视对他们消费心理的疏导,这不仅关系到品德不良学生的前途,也关系到全体学生道德品质的健康发展。一、初中学生由于半幼稚半成熟年龄的特点,模仿心理较强,不少学生在消费上盲目地互相攀比,竞富争阔,说明这些学生辨别是非的能力还较差,正确的道德观念还没有形成。请看部分品德不良学生在违法违纪前的表现: 1.在生活消费上,“常有乱花钱现象的”学生竟占100%。 At present, the middle school students, who are in the stage of large plasticity and are vulnerable to external influences, have undergone quiet changes in their consumption concepts. Among them, some middle school students have sought to eat, drink, and have gone on the wrong way of stealing and gambling. Although the number of them is not small, but the impact is not small, so in the legal education of middle school students, we must pay special attention to the evacuation of their consumer psychology, which is related not only to the future of students with bad morals, but also relates to the healthy development of the moral quality of all students. First, due to the characteristics of semi-mature and semi-mature ages, junior high school students have strong imitative psychology. Many students blindly compare each other in consumption and compete for wealth. This shows that the ability of these students to distinguish right from wrong is still poor, and the correct moral concepts are still Not formed. Please look at some of the poor performance of students before the violation of law: 1. In the consumption of life, “frequently spend money phenomenon ” students accounted for 100%.
The nucleocapsid protein VP15 of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is a basic DNA-binding protein. Three canonical bipartite nuclear localization signals (NLSs),
《中学生数学》2001年8月上《注意量纲——一类应用题正误之辨析》一文值得商榷. 该文研究的题目是:有甲、乙两种商品.销售甲种商品所获利润P万元与投入资金x万元之间有经验
数学是一门科学,一种语言,一种艺术,一种思维方法,它出现于自然界、艺术、音乐、建筑、历史、科学、文学——其影响遍及于宇宙的方方面面. ——引自《数学趣闻集锦》一
1池塘选择池塘大小以0.67-1.33 hm~2(10-20亩)左右为宜,形状为东西走向的长方形,底质以泥沙质为好(以泥为主)。池塘四周开挖宽3~5 m,深1.5~2.0 m的环沟,环沟内侧滩面设置盖网,