
来源 :山东农学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seaboy258
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近几年来,各地葡萄白腐病非常猖獗,一般葡萄园因此病遭受损失在10—20%,有的竞达50—70%,严重威胁葡萄的生产。用波尔多液防治,效果较差,各国所推许的福美双,在发病严重的果园,效果也不理想。为此,我们自1961年开始对此病进行研究。现将白腐病发生发展规律和防治试验部分简报如下,以供生产上参考。本试验是在泰安山东农学院农场进行的,可以代表平原地区的葡萄园。 In recent years, grapevines around the country are very rampant. Generally, the vineyards suffer losses of 10-20% of the disease and some are 50-70%, which seriously threatens the production of grapes. Bordeaux mixture with prevention and treatment, the effect is poor, the United States pushed by the United States and the United States, in the serious orchard, the effect is not satisfactory. To this end, we have been studying the disease since 1961. Now white rot disease development and prevention and control part of the trial briefings below, for the production of reference. This experiment was conducted on the farms of Tai’an Shandong Agricultural College and could represent the vineyards in the plains.
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管氏肿腿蜂(Scleroderma guani Xiaoet Wu)是青杨天牛(Saperda populneaL.)、双条杉天牛[Semanotus bifascia-tus(Motsch.)]、家茸天牛[Trichoferuscampestris(Faldermann)]
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.