帝国时代之欧洲俱乐部系列(18) 盛世悲歌马赛(1988~1993)

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铿锵激昂的《马赛曲》是耳熟能详的法国国歌,从马赛走向世界的齐达内也是堪与普拉蒂尼比肩的风云人物。马赛,这个坐落于普罗旺斯的城市,注定会在法国历史上留下浓墨重彩的一笔。时光倒转20年,马赛队堪称法国足球最光鲜的名片,从1988年开始,这支法甲劲旅称霸国内、觊觎欧洲。四次联赛冠军(1993年因贿赂门被取消)、一次冠军杯冠军、一次冠军杯亚军,格塔尔斯率领帕潘、博利、德塞利、德尚等一帮年轻人赢得了令人瞩目的成绩,马赛也成为了首支问鼎冠军杯的法国球队,并且是唯一能与荷兰三剑客时代的AC米兰相抗衡的超级强队。然而贿赂门的东窗事发,使这支风光无限的球队从巅峰迅速跌至谷底。繁花落尽、曲终人散,马赛的辉煌五年以一种戏剧性的方式仓促落幕,个中况味令人感慨。 The sonorous and passionate “Marseillaise” is a well-known French national anthem, Zidane from the Marseille to the world is worthy of comparable to Platini. Marseille, the city of Provence, is set to leave a stronghold in French history. Time reversal 20 years, the Marseille team called the most brilliant business card of the French football, from 1988 onwards, this French strong power to dominate the domestic, Europe 觊 觎 Europe. Four league titles (canceled in 1993 due to bribery), a champion of the Champions League, a runner-up of the Champions League, a group of youngsters led by Getters headed to Pamporne, Bolly, Desailly, Deschamps won spectacular Marseille has also become the first French team to claim the Champions League and is the only super-capable team to contend with AC Milan in the era of the Three Musketeers. However, bribing the door to the East window incident, so that the scenery of the team from the peak fell rapidly to the bottom. Exhausting flowers, ending the song, Marseille’s brilliant five years in a dramatic way to a hurry, a feeling of emotion.
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