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本文认为,产权市场对于盘活国有企业存量资产、促进企业资产经营规模和组织结构合理化、国有资产管理部门强化国有资产产权管理、促进经济结构的调整、放活小企业等有重要的意义和作用。文章分析了我国产权市场发展的特点及存在的主要问题:产权关系尚未理顺;产权交易中介机构的设立和运作不规范;有关产权交易法律法规不健全;国有企业产权转让的责任主体不清;产权市场发展结构不合理。提出培育和完善产权市场的基本措施和途径主要有:(1)加速构建市场经济体制,推进生产要素的市场化;(2)促进资产、产权的流动化,积极发展无形产权市场;(3)健全有关产权市场发展的法律法规体系;(4)加强配套制度,特别是社会保障制度的建设,推动产权市场的深入发展。 This paper argues that the property market plays an important role in activating the existing assets of state-owned enterprises, promoting the scale and organizational structure of enterprise assets, strengthening the management of property rights of state-owned assets, promoting the adjustment of economic structure, and relaxing small enterprises. The article analyzes the characteristics of the development of the property market in our country and its main problems: the relationship between property rights has not yet been straightened out; the establishment and operation of property rights intermediary institutions are not standardized; the laws and regulations on property rights transactions are not perfect; the responsibility bodies of property rights transfer in state - owned enterprises are unclear; Property market development structure is irrational. (1) speed up the construction of a market economy system and promote the marketability of production factors; (2) promote the liquidation of assets and property rights and actively develop the market for intangible property; and (3) Improve laws and regulations on the development of property rights market; (4) strengthen the supporting system, especially the social security system, and promote the in-depth development of the property rights market.
资料表明,目前我国已有近半数农村劳动力通过发展乡镇企业、进城就业方式向非农产业转移,中西部地区转移比重也有40%左右。这是推动工业化、城镇化快速发展的重要因素, Data
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在一般机器制造和仪器制造工厂中,根据产品的要求,常需制造各种不同形状和尺寸的样板(图1),这些样板的交点尺寸往 In the general machinery manufacturing and instrument
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