坚持“四个突出” 落实“依靠方针”

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坚持全心全意依靠职工群众办企业的方针,就要做到想问题、作决策、办事情,都要以是否符合广大职工群众的切身利益为最高标准。为此,要坚持做到“四个突出”: 第一,在政治上要突出尊重。必须从政治上保证广大职工在企业的主人翁地位和当家作主的权利。要向职工进行党的方针政策、企业政策方针的教育,让他们认识到自己的根本利益并愿意为此而不懈努力。要广泛宣传在艰苦地区和生产一线默默奉献、辛勤工作的广大职工的先进事迹。要关心职工的政治进步,重视从优秀工人中发展党员,给他们提供学习、发展的机会。 To uphold the principle of wholeheartedly relying on the workers and the masses to run enterprises, we must make the best of the problems, make decisions, and do the work in accordance with the principle of meeting the immediate interests of the masses of workers and staff as the highest standard. To this end, we must uphold the “four salient points”: First, we should give prominence to politics in politics. The majority of workers must be politically guaranteed the right to be the masters of the enterprise and the masters of their own affairs. We must educate our staff and workers about our party's principles and policies and corporate policies and policies so that they will realize their own fundamental interests and are willing to work tirelessly to that end. We must extensively publicize the advanced deeds of the vast numbers of staff and workers who work hard in the hard-fought areas and produce first-line dedication and hard work. We must pay attention to the political progress of the workers and workers and attach importance to the development of party members among the excellent workers and provide them opportunities to learn and develop.
中国人民大学工商管理学院硕士研究生王建军谈到 “入世”之后,中国的企业要在激烈的竞争中迅速站稳脚跟,关键要努力提高竞争实力,以抵御或减轻所受到的冲击。他认为,提高企
据悉,国家近日将推出监督国有企业的五项新措施: 一是对企业发展规划实行监督。重点是审核其是否体现所有者的利益和企业的长远利益,是否符合国家有关部门经济政策、法规和
日前,《经济日报》发表评论员文章说,今年以来,国有企业改革与脱困进展顺利,经济效益创出历史最高水平。 国有企业三年改革与脱困目标实现在望,令人鼓舞。在好的形势面前,我