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夏日的夜晚是极富诗意的。天空似湖水一样明净,繁星眨着微笑的眼睛,月光透过树叶间的缝隙,参差地铺满大地,晚风绰约,树影婆娑。手执一把蒲扇,我在庭院里时而漫步,时而驻足。蓦然,感觉眼前似乎缺少了点什么——啊,应该是记忆深处那飘忽不定的萤火虫!“银烛秋光冷画屏,轻罗小扇扑流萤。”千余年前的长安夏夜,大明宫里孤寂的宫女们在门前台阶上纳凉,佳人裙畔时有萤火虫飞舞,饶有兴致的美眉们一时兴起,手执团扇追逐着夜空中的流萤,裙裾飘逸,暗香习习……唐代诗人杜牧为我们描绘出一幅多么妙曼的消夏图。然而有生之年,记忆的 Summer night is very poetic. Like a clear sky like the lake, stars blinking smile eyes, the moonlight through the gaps between the leaves, covered with uneven patch of the earth, breeze graceful, tree shadow whirling. Hand holding a palm-leaf fan, I sometimes walk in the courtyard, sometimes stop. Suddenly, I feel the immediate lack of what seems to point - ah, that memory should be erratic in the depths of fireflies! “Silver candle autumn cold painting screen, light Luo small fan flutter fireflies.” "Changan summer more than a thousand years ago, Daming Palace lonely palace ladies in the front steps on the cool water, the beauty of the skirt when the fireflies fly, the interest of the crush are on the rise, the hand-fan chasing the night sky in the firefly, elegant skirts, fragrance study ... ... Du Mu, a Tang poet, portrayed us as a beautiful summer figure. However, a lifetime, memory
曾经我无可救药地喜欢上了一漂亮的女网友,向她表白却被拒绝了。她说是为了我好,我一直以为只是她的借口,直到我见到了她的素颜。网络上还是有很多好人啊…… I was hopeles
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Sino-US Cultural exchange activities were held on August 10—11 in Beijing.One thousand students-500 Chinese and 500 Americans-Performedat the China Millennium
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