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  ( )1. Let’s go and have a drink. We’ve got time before the train leaves.
  A. little B. few
  C. a little D. a few
  ( )2. to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills.
  A. Brave enough students
  B. Enough brave students
  C. Students brave enough
  D. Students enough brave
  ( )3. Which is the , the train station, the bus station or the airport?
  A. far B. farthest
  C. farther D. more far
  ( )4. If you like the chicken, you may have as as you can.
  A. much B. many
  C. more D. little
  ( )5. The Changjiang River is one of rivers in the world.
  A. long B. longer
  C. longest D. the longest
  ( )6. As a result, people like to travel by air than before.
  A. much more B. many more
  C. more much D. more many
  ( )7. Why not make a kite yourself? You don’t need
  for it.
  A. anything special B. something special
  C. special anything D. special something
  ( )8. This computer is as good as a new one but
  A. much less B. more less
  C. more much D. much more
  ( )9. The young scientist decided to work in the forest.
  A. lonely; alone B. alone; lonely
  C. alone; alone D. lonely; lonely
  ( )10. It’s always difficult being in a foreign country,
  if you can’t speak the language.
  A. extremely B. naturally
  C. basically D. especially
  ( )11. They have just cleaned the windows, so the room looks .
  A. more brighter B. more bright
  C. less bright D. much brighter
  ( )12. you eat butter, cream and chocolate,
  you will become.
  A. The more; the thinner
  B. The less; the fatter
  C. More; fatter
  D. The more; the fatter
  ( )13. The old man next door was found in the living room. Maybe he died from a heart attack.
  A. dead B. die
  C. dying D. death
  ( )14. I paid a visit to Mrs. Smith yesterday evening. She didn’t look , but she said she was getting on all right.
  A. as worried as ever
  B. as happy as usual
  C. happier than
  D. as happily as usual
  ( )15. She is she can not reach the top of the blackboard.
  A. such a tall person that
  B. much shorter than
  C. as short that
  D. so short that
  ( )16. Try to make as mistakes as possible.
  A. less B. little   C. few D. a few
  ( )17. John has three sisters. Mary is the of the three.
  A. most cleverest B. more clever
  C. cleverest D. cleverer
  ( )18. She told us story that we all forgot about the time.
  A. such an interesting
  B. such interesting a
  C. so an interesting
  D. a so interesting
  ( )19. The horse is getting old and can’t run it did.
  A. as faster as B. so fast than
  C. so fast as D. faster as
  ( )20. Now the air in our home town is than it was before. Something must be done.
  A. much better B. more worse
  C. more better D. much worse
  ( )21. I was feeling tired last night, so I went to bed
  than usual.
  A. early B. earlier
  C. late D. later
  ( )22. Either of them can take this job, but what I’m interested in is who is .
  A. the most careful B. more careful
  C. careful D. even careful
  ( )23. The story sounds .
  A. to be true B. as true
  C. being true D. true
  ( )24. I think Yao Ming, the famous basketball player, will be new star in NBA.
  A. hot B. hotter
  C. hottest D. the hottest
  ( )25. Of the two Australian students, Masha is one. I think you can find her easily.
  A. tallest B. the taller
  C. taller D. the tallest
  ( )26. It’s good for your health to do sports.
  A. much B. least
  C. more D. most
  ( )27. The pianos in the other shop will be , but
  A. cheaper; not as better
  B. more cheaper; not as better
  C. cheaper; not as good
  D. more cheap; not as good
  ( )28. —Can I help you?
  —Well, I’m afraid the box is heavy for you, but thank you all the same.
  A. so B. much
  C. very D. too
  ( )29. Oh, John. you gave me!
  A. How a pleasant surprise
  B. How pleasant surprise
  C. What a pleasant surprise
  D. What pleasant surprise
  ( )30. Those oranges taste .
  A. good B. well
  C. to be good D. to be well
  ( )31. The experiment was easier than we had expected.
  A. more B. much more
  C. much D. more much
  ( )32. John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes .
  A. open B. to be opened
  C. to open D. opening
  ( )33. In our city, it’s in July, but it is even
  in August.
  A. hotter; hottest B. hot; hot
  C. hotter; hot D. hot; hotter   ( )34. —Our holiday was .
  —Yes. I’ve never had .
  A. such great; a better one
  B. greatly; a good one
  C. so great; a better one
  D. very good; the best one
  ( )35. —Mum, could you buy me a dress like this?
  —Certainly, we can buy one than this, but this.
  A. a better; better than
  B. a worse; as good as
  C. a cheaper; as good as
  D. a more important; not as good as
  ( )36. —Why don’t you ask Tom to do it?
  —I don’t know whether he is to. He sometimes makes things worse.
  A. possible B. able
  C. afraid D. easy
  ( )37. Which is country, Canada or Australia?
  A. a large B. larger
  C. a larger D. the larger
  ( )38. —Will you give this message to Mr. White, please?
  —Sorry, I can’t. He .
  A. doesn’t any more work here
  B. doesn’t any longer here work
  C. doesn’t work any more here
  D. doesn’t work here any longer
  ( )39. It takes a long time to go there by train. It’s
  by road.
  A. quick B. the quickest
  C. much quick D. quicker
  ( )40. from Beijing to London!
  A. How long way it is
  B. What a long way is it
  C. How long way is it
  D. What a long way it is
  ( )41. She doesn’t speak her friends, but her written work is excellent.
  A. as well as B. as often as
  C. so much as D. as good as
  ( )42. The boy is young to carry the box. Let’s go and help him.
  A. too B. so C. very D. quite
  ( )43. The coat I bought last week is too big for me. I’d like to change it for a one.
  A. small B. large
  C. nicer D. smaller
  ( )44. 30,000 dollars is a large amount of money, but it’s than we need.
  A. far more B. very much
  C. far less D. very little
  ( )45. China has population in the world.
  A. bigger B. larger
  C. the biggest D. the largest
  ( )46. Lucy’s handwriting is good, but Rose’s handwriting is much .
  A. good B. best
  C. better D. the best
  ( )47. —If you don’t like the red coat, take the blue one.
  —OK, but do you have size in blue? This one’s a bit tight for me.
  A. a big B. a bigger
  C. the big D. the bigger
  ( )48. How beautifully she sings!I have never heard
  A. the better voice B. a good voice
  C. the best voice D. a better voice
  ( )49. Can you believe that in a rich country there should be many poor people?
  A. such; such B. such; so
  C. so; so D. so; such
  ( )50. Professor White has written some short stories, but he is known for his plays.
  A. the best B. more
  C. better D. the most
  ( )51. Boris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has IQ.
  A. a high B. a higher
  C. the higher D. the highest
通城县地处幕阜山北麓、湘鄂赣三省交界处。全县辖11个乡镇、185个行政村(社区),总人口50.2万;现有各级各类学校185所,在校学生7万余人,教职工5000余人。近年来,通城县坚持教育优先发展战略,着力实施七大工程,促进全县教育事业健康蓬勃发展。  实施学前教育普惠工程,政府主导规范办园。通城县委、县政府进一步加大推进力度,以实施《通城县学前教育三年行动计划》为抓手,积极构建“政府主导,公民并举
Every cat owner tends to think they have special relation with their cat friend, but experts believe that many people fail to have effective communication with their cats. Britain’s Cats Protection ha
“篮精灵们”在音乐的伴奏下摆弄着篮球,功夫少年们挥舞着棍棒,旋风跆拳道队员们打起了太极三章,博弈棋道的孩子们摆起了擂台,一张张漂亮的“福”字、一幅幅精美的画作等一件件神奇的创作从孩子们指尖流出……每逢周四下午,宜昌市西陵区常刘路小学便“沸腾”了——“跃美”社团活动精彩纷呈。  近年来,学校秉承“跃立童年,美绘明天”的办学理念,注重校内社团活动的开展,以学生需求为本,积极开发出富有常刘路小学特色的社
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班主任的常规管理主要是针对学生的管理,在此我们围绕班主任的支持系统(家长、同伴及学校领导等),聊聊如何对他们进行适当的管理。  指导家庭教育  家长是学生的第一任老师,“好妈妈胜过好老师”。但现实的情况是,很多家长不是不愿意教好孩子,而是没有方法,所以班主任面临的一个重要挑战就是:指导家庭教育。会指导家教的老师,能得到家长的支持,形成家校育人合力,必然事倍功半。不会指导家教的班主任,可能会“抱着石