艰苦奋斗 迎难而上 争创一流——龙游黄铁矿建矿三十周年回顾

来源 :化工矿山技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yjzjh225
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龙游黄铁矿位于浙江省龙游县溪口区境内,隶属于衢州化学工业公司,牛角湾矿区距浙赣线龙游站25公里,距衢化公司63公里,龙(游)—遂(昌)公路横贯矿区。 龙游黄铁矿前身为龙游县硫铁矿和浙江省公安厅劳管局龙南硫铁矿,1959年划归衢州化工厂作为硫酸生产的原料基地。 龙游黄铁矿自1959年9月1月成立以来,经过三十年的艰苦奋斗,生产规模逐步扩大,机械化程度逐步提高。1985年实行矿长负责制后,开始了生产型矿山向生产经营型山的转变。1987年,主要依靠本矿力量建成了年产600吨氯纶短纤维和年产700吨无水三氯化铝两项工程。三氯化铝产品质量超过国家一级标准,氯纶丝质量达到浙Q/HG179—85 Longyou pyrite is located in Xikou District, Longyou County, Zhejiang Province, which belongs to Quzhou Chemical Industry Company. The ore area of ​​Niujiaowan is 25 kilometers away from Longyou Station of Zhejiang-Jiangxi Line, 63 kilometers away from Qu-based Company. Dragon (tour) Chang) Road across the mining area. Longyou pyrite was formerly known as Longyou County pyrite and the Provincial Public Security Bureau Labor Authority Longnan pyrite, in 1959 under the Quzhou Chemical Factory as a sulfuric acid production base of raw materials. Longyou pyrite since September 1959 was established in January of September, after thirty years of hard work, the gradual expansion of production scale, and gradually increase the degree of mechanization. After implementing the system of director responsibility in 1985, the transformation of production-type mines to production-management-type mines began. In 1987, the project mainly relied on the strength of this mine to build two projects of annual output of 600 tons of chlorinated staple fiber and 700 tons of anhydrous aluminum trichloride per year. Aluminum trichloride product quality exceeds the national standard, the quality of polyester fiber reaches Zhejiang Q / HG179-85
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【Abstract】The question of whether second language learners have access to Universal Grammar has been an important topic among those who are interested in Second Language Acquisition(SLA). As for the a